ers while combing her hair.

”Sorry I ’m late, Master. ”

”The evacuation of the civilians is over. ”

”Thank you both for your work. ”

Darm emerged from the rubble and spat blood.

He also tried to break the ice that had trapped his right arm.

”So you have partners. ”

”I ’m not going to let you get away with this. ”

”I don ’t plan to run away from this.
I will summon my magic armor. ”

Something like a root stuck out from his right arm, seemingly originating from his axe.
Slowly, thorns and scabs began to appear over his shoulder and arm.

If that ’s the power of his axe, it ’s terrifying.

I felt that his presence had become much stronger.

”I ’ll tell you something good.
The magic axe temporarily increases the user ’s level by 30%.
Isn ’t that great? Kukuku. ”

Given that your level was 150, a 30% increase is…

This makes him a real threat.


I instantly closed the gap in our distance and cut his right arm from the shoulder.

I appeared in front of him as if I had teleported.
Darm ’s eyes widened before he experienced pain from having his arm severed.

I used a silent sword strike that can be done with the simultaneous use of ”Grand Thief ” and ”Dragon Knight ”.

”Oh, I forgot to tell you something….
I am level 300. ”

”You can ’t… ”

Before he finished his sentence, I cut him in half.

Deep down I wanted him to experience the same pain Nei had suffered and then kill him.
But I was starting to get impatient, so I decided to get it over with quickly.

As high as my level is, I couldn ’t take my chances with a guy like that.

Unfortunately, Darm ’s fighting style was far superior to mine.

Those who are good at fighting are also good at running away.

I thought it would be better to get it over with at once, rather than let him have a chance to run away.

I placed my sword in the sheath and ran to Nei.

”Nei! Nei! ”

Sai…n. ”

”This is no time to talk! Hold on! ”

She is stunned by all the damage she received, her condition is very delicate.

If we do not treat her immediately, she might die.

”Panda! ”

”Kyui! ”

I called Panda and pulled Nei up on top of him.

Panda ’s soft and squishy body will help Nei not to suffer from sudden movements.

I have to take her somewhere I can cure her.

My recollection since I started carrying Nei is vague.

I found an uninhabited inn, put her to bed and then got her to drink a high grade potion while I had Kaede use her skills to stop the bleeding.

The high grade potion for physical recovery is very good.

Unfortunately, it cannot heal torn limbs, but it can heal broken bones or damaged organs in seconds.

However, it is only to force things back to their original shape.
If the damaged parts do not receive immediate attention, the wounds could easily reopen.

*Creak ”

The doctor opened the door and left the room.

After bowing slightly, he left the inn.

It seems that the examination of Nei ’s body has been completed.

”How is she? ”

”It looks like the high-grade potion worked and she has no irreparable damage.
But she needs to be on bed rest for a while. ”

”I see… ”

I looked at Nei ’s face, still sleeping.

The pain seems to have subsided, and her sleeping face looks calmer.

I couldn ’t be more thankful that the potion brought Nei back from that terrible state.

”Hey you two, don ’t fight! ”

”Kyui! ”

”Shi-ya! ”

Panda and Rosuke had a conflict inside the room.

But Panda loses the encounter and hides behind Frau ’s back.

If you are afraid, you should not have been looking for a fight.

”Master, come here for a moment. ”

”What ’s wrong? ”

Kaede leads me to a corner of the room.

I guess she must have something important to tell me.
I wonder if it ’s something Frau can ’t hear.

”I was evaluating Nei-San ’s stats, and I realized something…. ”

”Exactly what ’s going on? ”

”Please remain calm and listen carefully to what I will tell you. ”

Why so much mystery?

Is it so difficult to explain her discovery?

Kaede inhaled and exhaled slowly.

”Nei-San is in a brainwashed state. ”

”What? ”

”There is something wrong with her condition.
It is possible that her feelings and thoughts are being forcibly manipulated through magic or some kind of drug. ”

I looked at Nei as she continued to sleep, but I couldn ’t gather my thoughts.

Has Nei been brainwashed?

Who? Who brainwashed him?

Only one name crosses my mind.

No way, it ’s impossible.

No matter how rotten he is, I don ’t think he would dare do something like that.

I find it hard to believe that he would do that to one of our childhood friends that we grew up together with.

But if this turns out to be true…

I will kill Sain.

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