

Xie Ning nodded, feeling as if the cold had dissipated after drinking this cup of ginger soup.


He felt like he was alive again!


He chatted with Auntie Chen about trivial matters, and Zhuang Yan came back downstairs in different clothes.


He’d taken off his coat, and changed into a set of home clothes.
It looked very casual, but the collocation of his outfit was extremely original, and Xie Ning’s eyes brightened.


Even for home clothes, this person’s taste in clothes was excellent, and was someone who was knowledgeable in aesthetics.


Since he took off the coat, he seemed much less dominating to Xie Ning, although the way he seemed to laugh but not laugh still made Xie Ning’s hair rise on end.


But at least he wouldn’t be easily shocked until his legs were weak.


Xie Ning quietly let out a sigh of relief in his heart.


Zhuang Yan waited until Xie Ning was finished drinking the ginger soup before bringing him along to leave.
“Let’s go.
To the home theater.”


Xie Ning’s residence also had a separate home theater, but compared with the one in Zhuang Yan’s residence, the difference was clear.


Zhuang Yan’s home theater had top-notch projection equipment, and the audio and picture quality were a grade above Xie Ning’s home theater.


Xie Ning lamented, As expected of a professional.


Zhuang Yan took out a disc, and asked, “Have you seen ?”


Xie Ning said, “I’ve seen it.”


Zhuang Yan paused, and took out another disc.


Xie Ning hesitated for a moment, and decided to tell the truth.
“I’ve seen that one too.”


Zhuang Yan smiled and raised his eyebrows looking at Xie Ning.
“You’ve seen a good amount.”


Xie Ning pursed his lips.


Zhuang Yan lowered his head and flipped through discs for a little.
“You probably haven’t seen , then.”


“Yeah, I haven’t seen it.”


Xie Ning hadn’t seen before, but he had heard of it.


It’s probably Zhuang Yan’s most well-known movie, and the general public’s review of this movie was quite high–that is, compared to Zhuang Yan’s other movies.


Xie Ning was always curious about , but he couldn’t buy it in China.


Based on the name, it should be a story mainly about love.


Perhaps a romance movie?


Xie Ning glanced in Zhuang Yan’s direction.


Two men watching a romance movie…it was a little weird.

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Zhuang Yan leaned on the sofa, with a natural posture and relaxed hands, exuding a carefree aura.


He saw Xie Ning glance over, but didn’t understand the meaning behind it.
He thought for a second, and threw a pillow over.


Xie Ning: “?”


Zhuang Yan lifted his eyebrows a little.
“For you to hold.”


Xie Ning: “…Thank you.”


The pillow was a simple square, and it was very soft.
Xie Ning hugged it to his chest, but it felt weird no matter how he held it.


He was already wearing a lot, and adding the pillow made his chest feel like it was constricted and couldn’t breathe properly.


He couldn’t help moving his legs a little, wanting to change positions.


He was sitting close to Zhuang Yan.
It was fine if he didn’t move, but if his movements were larger, he would accidentally brush against Zhuang Yan’s leg.


The heat rose like fireworks.


Xie Ning stiffened for a moment, and quickly sat properly.


The home theater was originally dimly lit, as the only source of light was the light the screen emitted.
It shone over the two of them, and a thin layer of light and shadow emerged.


Xie Ning is a gay man, so watching a romantic movie with a man under these circumstances, and having physical contact with only pants between them…


He felt very uncomfortable.


Fortunately, the movie started soon after, and the awkwardness in his heart was dispelled.


is a slightly suspenseful romance movie.


The female protagonist, a writer, met a travel enthusiast named Fancy on the Internet.
The two of them had similar interests, and enjoyed chatting with one another.


Fancy often takes photos of other places and sends them to the female protagonist, and in turn, the female protagonist will tell him various interesting stories.


The two of them gradually fell in love.


One day, the female protagonist received a love letter from Fancy, and attached was a picture of Fancy in front of his home.


The female protagonist discovered that Fancy lived in the same city as she does!


She was so excited at this discovery that she couldn’t wait to meet Fancy.


However, when she followed the mailbox numbers accordingly to find the address, there was nothing but a wasteland that nobody inhabited.


Someone told her: This place was dismantled 6 months ago, and is no such person as Fancy.




The movie was in English, and there were no Chinese subtitles.
Xie Ning watched it with intense concentration.


But as he continued to watch, he couldn’t focus anymore.


The darker it was, the more he could feel it.
There was a gaze next to him that unscrupulously wandered over, and landed on his face.


Why wasn’t he watching the movie properly! Why’s he looking over here!


Xie Ning tightened his grip on the pillow.


Zhuang Yan looked at Xie Ning, illuminated by the soft light coming from the screen.


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From his angle, he could see Xie Ning’s side profile clearly.
His facial bone structure was excellent, and the smooth lines looked like a painting.
Half of his face was smaller than a single palm.


His eyebrows weren’t thick, and the ends were covered by his hair, enticing people to pull away that strand of hair.
His eyelashes were longer than normal, blinking and giving off an elfish impression.
His eyes were large and bright, like the moon and spring after a new rain, clear and sweet.


As the movie plot progressed, the light on his face changed colors and tone, casting thousands of expressions on him.


Zhuang Yan found a small dimple on Xie Ning’s face.


Without looking at him closely, it would be hard to find, since it was very shallow.


Very cute.


Xie Ning’s every angle made him feel as if he was perfect.


It was as if God had specially created his appearance to Zhuang Yan’s preferences.


Xie Ning couldn’t take it anymore, and turned to look at him.
“What are you staring at me for?”


His tone sounded a bit irritated.


Zhuang Yan lifted the corners of his lips.
“I’ve already seen this movie.
I have no interest in watching it again, so I can only watch you.”


Xie Ning bit his lip.
“It’s not like you haven’t seen me before.”


This action makes him seem even more like a rabbit, Zhuang Yan thought.


“I haven’t seen enough yet.
You were born so good-looking, it’s normal for me to want to look at you some more.”


Xie Ning: “…Thank you for the compliment?”


Zhuang Yan smiled and said, “No need for thanks.”


Xie Ning: “…” I wasn’t actually thanking you, okay?


Xie Ning didn’t want to bother with talking to him, and turned to pay attention to the screen again.


In the movie, the two leads finally met each other, and they hugged and kissed passionately.


Thinking of the plot that happens next, Zhuang Yan laughed once.


The scenes transitioned one after another, the main couple stumbled into the room, kissing and falling onto the bed.


Xie Ning: “!!!”


Then, it suddenly went dark.


A pair of large, wide hands covered his eyes, followed by a breath that came closer.
A deep voice came from above his head: “Minors are not allowed to watch.”


Xie Ning: “…”


Zhuang Yan was leaning in too close, and that sensation of pressure made his body soften, then stiffen.


His expression suddenly became strange.


What’s he mean by minor? I’ve been an adult for a long time!



Translator's Notes:


weirdo – the word used in chinese can mean either abnormal or perverted, so i opted for a more general meaning


Translator Corner:


i just wanted to take a quick second to thank everyone for reading! this is my first shot at translating a novel (i've only translated manhua before this), and i'm super happy to see that people are enjoying it!

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