The red lips sucked on his earlobe and then softly uttered a few words in a sweet and charming tone.

——”Little Xingxing.”

Xie Xinglin slowly opened his eyes.

He frowned and supported himself with his arms on the bed as he slowly sat up.
Then he was expressionless as he stared at the situation under his quilt.

Stared at it for about a second or two.

He touched his inner cheek with the tip of his tongue, his expression a little strange.

Then his Adam’s apple faintly rolled.
Afterward, he expressionlessly raised his hand and covered it.

He obviously knew that he was no better than a beast at this moment, but he unconsciously still recalled the girl’s coquettish appearance in his dream.
It was as if a fire had been lit in the bottom of his eyes, burning and roaring vigorously.

After a long time, he faintly raised his head and stared at the blank ceiling.
Then his Adam’s apple rolled and he let out a muffled, yet sultry hum.

Afterward, he pulled a piece of tissue from his bedside table and slowly cleaned his ten slender fingers one by one.

He stared at the crumpled tissue in front of him and faintly raised his brows.


He had to admit, this little rubbish really had some seduction skills.

In the wee hours of the morning, Han Ming had decided to go racing with a few friends.
Everyone was high on adrenaline and no one felt sleepy.
They were halfway through their drive when they decided to rest next to the mountain road.
Han Ming happened to look down at his phone the moment he received a WeChat message from Xie Xinglin.

Xing: Your last girlfriend, why were you together?

Han Ming was taken aback by this message.
He frowned and confirmed that he had read it correctly, but then he felt somewhat confused.

Xie Xinglin this guy, when did he start to care about other people’s personal relationships….?

And he even sent this message to him at 3 in the morning.
The more he thought about it, the stranger it felt.

Han Ming thought about it for a moment, then replied: It’s because I chased her.

Xing: Why did you want to chase her?

Han Ming:“……”


What was the matter with Xie Xinglin, why did he suddenly become a master of emotions?

He didn’t even bother to look at women before? He(HM) even suspected that this person (XX) planned to reproduce asexually in the future.

But now he’s actually starting to study questions like how men and women get together?

When he thought to this point, Su Qiuge’s face suddenly appeared in Han Ming’s mind.

Could it be……

Han Ming was a bit doubtful as he responded: Of course it’s because I discovered that I liked her so I chased her.

Xing: How did you discover it?

Han Ming’s face was full of question marks as he typed a few words: Because I was interested in her.

After a while, the other side replied.

Xing: What interest?

Xing: Sex?

Han Ming: !!

Han Ming: ??

Han Ming immediately dialed a WeChat call, and as expected, Xie Xinglin immediately hung up on the first call.

Han Ming persistently dialed a second time, a third time, a fourth time……

Finally, Xie Xinglin answered.

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