would be a very, very wrong assumption.
Firstly, Ying may not have had facial features, but she definitely wasn’t ugly.
Combined with her perfect figure, she actually had a strange kind of beauty.
Secondly, the mysterians never married outside, not because outsiders had no interest in them, but because they looked down on outsiders’ bloodlines.
They were the race in the astralscape that embraced racial purity the most.
To these mysterians from the three deific-class worlds, intermingling with foreign races was a cardinal sin.
If one person committed the crime, their whole family had to die! That iron-clad law was the number one reason the mysterians had dominated the astralscape for countless years.

Thirdly, things were the exact opposite.
The astralscape didn’t dislike the mysterians; rather, their unique, strange, and extreme ‘exoticness’ had created a long-lasting desire for them.
After all, mysterians were the supreme race! Whether they were male or female, including Ying, they all had fervent followers throughout the Mysterium Cluster.
The followers all deeply desired them from the bottom of their hearts.

Apart from being faceless, the specters were much more similar to humans than other specters, from their size, to their figures, and even to their emotions.
There was even a saying that the mysterians without facial features were the most sensitive race.
They instead used their hearts to communicate and understand.

Their culture had lasted for millennia, and they were truly worthy of being the supreme sovereigns who stood above the masses.

At least within the Mysterium Cluster, no one found them ugly.
Foreign races all had to revere, envy, and desire them!

It was just like now, where Bai Huai and Qiao Xingzhou didn’t dare to look directly at Ying.
That was especially true for Bai Huai, another specter.
He viewed faceless specters as saints that weren’t to be touched.
The knowledge had been imprinted upon him since he was a child.

It was only when Ying mentioned the Milky Way Waterfalls that he slightly relaxed.
“The Milky Way Waterfalls are indeed beautiful.
If you’re ever free in the future, our Whitechalk Star will give you the most spectacular of welcomes.”

“Mhm.” Ying didn’t know them, but she could tell that Bai Feng was their leader.
She tilted her head and spoke to Bai Feng.
“The next round will be the Astralium Seeking.
Getting here was already quite glorious for you all.
Would you prefer to forfeit yourself, or give it a try?”

Bai Feng and Ying were the same age, and faceless specters had always been a goal of hers.
Naturally, her response was, “I’d like to give it a try.”

“Permitted.” Ying wasn’t surprised.
It would be too mediocre if someone managed to fight to the third round of the Astralium Battlefield, but still chose to give up so close to the Astralium Seeking.
The absolute lobby had over a thousand people, but none were mediocre people who would be willing to give up.

In this dark abyss, the dark green fog churned around them, but Ying was surrounded by a pure white barrier that isolated her from all of it.
Within it, she looked like a pure jewel, pristine and glittering.

A three-foot-long sword appeared in her delicate fingers.
It was as thin as a cicada’s wing, and cloud patterns on it joined together to form obvious divine ordered patterns.
The weapon clearly gave off the sensation of being mightier than most weapons in this battlefield.

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