bane-rings were shared by beastmaster and lifebound beast, whose destinies were tied.

Thoroughly cognizant of Qingyu’s physique, Feiling explained that her five bane-rings were comparable to seven of his.
Perhaps there were other mysteries to the pentamoon sky that required digging on Qingyu’s part.

Tianming glanced at the serious Qingyu, a hint of emotion flickering in his eyes.

”Big Brother, I’ve taken up your time.
Now that I’ve succeeded, it’s your turn to break through to Unity. ”

Concealing Qingyu’s transformation wasn’t an issue, since her hair remained light grey.
As for her bane-rings, they were well-hidden and wrapped with strips of cloth under her sleeve.

”Yes, I’m going to give it a try.
Perhaps I might awaken the pentamoon sky as well! ” he laughed.

Qingyu had accompanied Tianming to the Imperial Ninefold Gates, never imagining such a drastic change in her destiny.

They set out for the first gate, where Tianming would attempt to break through to Unity.
As they walked past the fourth gate, they bumped into Yuwen Shengcheng with a group of beauties.
The ugly look on their faces spoke volumes.
Watching Qingyu advance to fifth level Unity was a slap in their contemptuous faces.
Qingyu’s breakthrough had propelled her ahead of half of these girls, leaving them behind in the dust.
Words meant to mock her resulted in the opposite effect.

”Did you just advance? ” Gongsun Yu bit her lip.
She too was at fifth level Unity.

Qingyu gave them the cold shoulder and continued walking, her blatant disregard making them flush with embarrassment.
After all, being ignored before Yuwen Shengcheng was a hard pill to swallow.

”Li Qingyu, I heard that you’re marrying Li Jincan.
Your husband is both handsome and talented, a peerless Adonis.
Yet here you are, showing affection to a young man.
Where’s your sense of propriety?” chided Su Li, granddaughter of Elder Su Zhen.
She stood beside Yuwen Shengcheng, leaning gently against him.

These words were a long time coming; “Handsome and talented” were meant to deride.
Everyone knew what a loser Li Jincan was.

”Stop pretending you didn’t hear me.
Flirting with other men before marriage… isn’t that putting a green hat on Li Jincan? ” she chastised.

The girls laughed heartily once more, but unfortunately, Qingyu had already left.

”Aren’t you upset? ” asked Tianming.

”There’s nothing to be upset about.
I might’ve been angry before, but I’m different now,” remarked Qingyu.
“Big Brother, you’re right.
Only with strength can I prove myself.
No one will listen to the weak. ”

For this reason, she hadn’t bothered arguing with Su Li.
Once she emerged from the clouds and waved her pentamoon sky for all to see, Su Li would naturally shut up.

”That’s my style, ” chuckled Tianming.

By the time they reached the first gate, the girls beside Yuwen Shengcheng were condescendingly gossiping.

”Who does she think she is? She’s about to become someone else’s wife, yet she lacks basic manners! ” Su Li disdained.

”It ’s only to be expected of a daughter from that embarrassing family,” replied Gongsun Yu.

”So that’s why she hasn’t received any tasks in the Wuyou Faction.
Turns out she’s frolicking about with her lover! ” Feng Chiyu chimed in.

”How disgusting! She acts all pure and innocent, but it turns out she’s that kind of girl, ” added Su Li.

Yuwen Shengcheng couldn’t bear to listen to them any longer.
”That’s her brother, Li Wudi’s illegitimate child.
He recently returned to Grant-Orient, and is now junior sect master.”

You’re all mistaken.
The one who’s going to put a green hat on Li Jincan isn’t Li Tianming, but I.
Some words were better left unsaid.

The day of Qingyu’s birthday was drawing ever closer.

In China, “wearing a green hat” means a man is being cheated on by his wife.

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