isingly kill 5,000 people.

Looking at the amount of undead Zhao Hai had amassed, Ruyen felt her hairs stiffen.
To her Zhao Hai’s name became synonymous with the devil.

Zhao Hai also became very impatient.
He didn’t’ dare enter a city in order for Lionheart to be unable to use official means to deal with them.
He didn’t want to face against the judicial system of Rosen Empire.
If that happens, they wouldn’t fare well.

Now that Zhao Hai was targeted by Lionheart, the other City Lords also got involved.
The Rosen Empire didn’t issue a proper command, this matter was very beneficial to Zhao Hai.

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As long as he wasn’t issued an arresting order, he will not become an enemy of the whole Rosen Empire.
Even if the Grand Duke was powerful and influential, he also had enemies.
For him to crazily pursue Zhao Hai was nothing but making a statement.
He wants other people who wanted his power to know that it wasn’t’ easy to mess with him.

But Grand Duke Lionheart didn’t expect even in his dreams that Zhao Hai would become a hard bone to chew.
He sent a lot of people as well as have the city lords help him but he still couldn’t eliminate Zhao Hai.
Now Zhao Hai has became a thorn on his side, as long as Zhao Hai lived, Grand Duke Lionheart wouldn’t be able to rest well.
The other people around him looked at him with ridiculing looks for being unable to deal with a single person.

Grand Duke Lionheart had been favored these past few years.
This made him arrogant, walking around impudently, and offending a lot of people.
These people were looking forward to the day the Grand Duke would make a fool of himself.

The Grand Duke also had another slight issue, which was Rosen Empire’s Emperor.
He and the Emperor were good friends even before the Emperor became crowned.
Moreover, the Emperor being crowned had a lot to do with Lionheart.
Without his help, the Emperor possibly couldn’t have a smooth coronation.

Because of this, after the Emperor had ascended to the throne, he gave Lionheart his extreme favor and trust, giving him the lucrative position of First Lord of the Treasury.
Because of this backing, Lionheart became more and more arrogant and overbearing as time passed by.

This was where Lionheart forgot something.
He forgot that he was only an official, while the Emperor was the sole master of the nation.
No matter whether he helped the Emperor ascend to his throne, was his best friend, say good things to him, but if Lionheart begins to threaten the crown’s position, the Emperor wouldn’t be polite.

This time, when Lionheart was going after Zhao Hai, he only released a message but there were a lot of city lords who answered.
It showed how much influence he had.
And the greater influence he had, the more the Emperor was dissatisfied with him.
This point didn’t strike Lionheart, since he was fully absorbed in dealing with Zhao Hai.

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However, the Grand Duke’s enemies wouldn’t let go of this opportunity.
From time to time, these people would report Lionheart’s activities to the emperor.
At the same time, they also reported about his attitude.
Although these points eventually convinced the Emperor, he stood back and didn’t reprimand Lionheart.
But these people already knew that the Emperor now placed his sights on Lionheart.

Zhao Hai naturally didn’t know of these.
He was still very annoyed by Lionhearts daily attacks.
These days, the attacks had become more and more fierce.
This gave Zhao Hai a very difficult time because it was impossible for him to release hundreds of thousands of undead inside Rosen Empire.
If he really did that, it would make the Rosen Empire issue an order to chase him.

Zhao Hai was resting outside tonight and waited for Lionheart’s attack.
He sat outside his tent and ate lamb and mutton soup.
Since it was still winter, such food was the best.
It was delicious, warm and can stave of hunger.

At this time, Zhao Hai turned to Shun and said, “Shun, go over to Ruyen and invite her here.
Tell her that I have a matter to discuss with her.” Shun complied and headed towards Ruyen’s tent.

These days, Ruyen was extremely behaved.
When they go and rest every night, her group would always stay inside their tent and only come out during dawn, making Zhao Hai unable to see her face.

But Zhao Hai didn’t care, Ruyen acting like this was better.
He was free of worry and he also didn’t like to interact with Ruyen.

Before long, Ruyen’s group was seen following Shun and heading towards Zhao Hai.
Zhao Hai had a bonfire in front of him, but since it was winter and they were outdoors, it didn’t feel warm.

Zhao Hai looked at Ruyen and calmly said, “Young lady, we will pass through River Law City tomorrow.
The city is a large-sized city in Rosen Empire so there should be a Shelley Hotel there.
We’ll rest for a few days inside River Law City while we send a letter to Grand Duke Evan and wait for his reply.
Does the young lady have any objections?”

Ruyen shook her head and replied, “I don’t, I’ll leave every decision to mister.
If there’s nothing else, Ruyen will head back.” Zhao Hai nodded, then Ruyen lead Jill and the maids back to their tent.
At this time, hoofbeats could be heard, making Zhao Hai and the others attentive.

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