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Liu Chao chased after her and stopped Jiang Yao.
Then, he brought Jiang Yao to an isolated corner.

“Miss Jiang.” Liu Chao said, but he did not speak the next sentence for a long time.
He stuttered and hesitated for a few minutes before continuing to say, “Miss Jiang, you are Professor Ouyang’s assistant.
Even though your medical skills may be better than all of us, you are still young.
You may not understand some things, so I think I have to remind you that you must take care of your own safety.
Although those soldiers are protecting the country, it is unkind of me to assume some people’s intentions, but one must be wary of others.
Next time he calls for you alone, come and find me.
I will go with you! ”

Jiang Yao did not expect Liu Chao to say such things to her when he was alone.
She was shocked.
Then, a gentle smile appeared on her face.

“Okay, I got it.” Ouyang Chenrui was wrong.
Professor Ouyang’s taste in students was not bad at all.

Perhaps everyone had minor issues, but those issues did not make the person good or bad.

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After she said goodbye to Liu Chao, Jiang Yao returned to the tent.
She did not know if Lu Xingzhi was busy or worried about the number of people there, but he did not show up when Jiang Yao went to bed.
Instead, she saw her bottle and a lonely peach that had been washed.

Jiang Yao touched the peach and smiled gently.
Then, she tidied the tent and lay down on the bed to sleep.

Lu Xingzhi had occupied the tent while they were training in the mountains, so it reeked of his odor..
His backpack remained in the corner.

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