The soulless eyes unique to office workers during working hours contained the monitor.

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Not just Yoon Seora.
The faces of all the employees in the office were full of fatigue.


As a civil servant belonging to the state-run Korea Awakened Management Association, it was natural to suffer from fatigue.
Because when a dungeon popped, you had to jump right out whenever and wherever you were.


Just like right now.


“The gate popped near Yeoksam Station! The color is green! It’s a Dungeon Break!”


Aaaaakh! Screams broke out from everywhere.


“It just has to be a Dungeon Break when it’s almost time to get off work!”


“In any case, our third day of overtime is confirmed…”


“Team 2, get on it.
There’s Sunset Guild’s headquarters near Yeoksam Station, isn’t it? Please contact them to dispatch their Hunters.”


The field dispatch team of Dungeon Management Team 2 hurriedly got up and ran outside.


Since Team 2 was in charge of Yeoksam Station area, the other teams had no problem getting off work.
It was the same for Yoon Seora, a member of Team 1.


‘… if it were in the past.’


She would have cried out that she was lucky it was not the area of Team 1, gave a brief thanks to God, and excitedly and happily prepared to leave work! However, the fact was that Seora’s, who had been looking forward to leaving the office all day, face unexpectedly did not look very good.


The second thing that made her uncomfortable was because it was a Dungeon Break, not a regular dungeon.


‘I can tell it is not ordinary just by looking at this message.’


Seora looked at the system message that appeared before her with a gloomy face.


[Dungeon Break occurs]


A green gate has been created near Yeoksam Station.
Be prepared for danger.


Game interface-like system windows such as this was naturally visible to all the Awakeneds.


But Yoon Seora was sure that she was the only one who could see this message here right now.

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‘Ah! Leaving work on time is not happening again today! This is why I have to quit my job!’


In the end, Seora left the association’s headquarters faster than anyone else with eyes spraying tears as soon as the clock hit six o’clock.
She couldn’t even hear the other workers laughing behind, saying she was leaving work with her eyebrows flying out of happiness.


No one in this office would be laughing tomorrow morning if Team 2 encountered a problem.




“I knew this would happen.”


Standing on the roof of a middle-story building near Yeoksam Station, Seora clicked her tongue.
In a short period of time, the area around the station was already in chaos due to monsters that had already rushed out of the gate.


Fortunately, the Boss Monster didn’t seem to have appeared yet…


“I’m sure it will appear soon.
I have no luck, after all.”


Among the dungeons from Level 1 to 7, it was impossible to deal with ogres that mainly appear in Level 4 with only Team 2 with an average class of less than B.
It seemed that the Hunters belonging to the guild had not arrived, but if it stayed like this, the area around the station would be a mess.


And everyone will be working overtime tomorrow.


I don’t like the sound of that at all.


Yoon Seora opened her inventory and took out a sniper rifle and took a stance.
The barrel flashed red for a moment upon touch.


There were a total of seven ogres seen through the scope.
As soon as she got into the right position, she pulled the trigger.


“Bang! Bang!”


Instead of normal bullets, mana (magic imbued) bullets began to detonate the ogres’ heads one by one with precision.
Frightened citizens, as well as the officials who were blocking the monsters, were greatly flustered.


Even in the chaotic situation, Seora amazingly pulled the trigger in a row and caught only the ogres who were rioting. Pop! All seven ogres fell to the floor with the sound of their heads exploding.


“Ah, now I’m relieved of my bitter feelings for not leaving work on time… for a long time.
Give me my time off!”


After killing them all, she remembered again the sadness of not leaving on time.
Of course, tomorrow’s overtime work had disappeared thanks to today’s overtime, but still, that’s not the case for other people.


Seora smacked her lips as she watched the relief of her teammates from Team  2 and the citizens rejoicing at surviving with tears in their eyes.

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Right, good things ar

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