
“Why didn’t you call me?”

Fu Zhihuan only looked at her quietly and did not say anything more to comfort her.  He just stretched out his hand calmly and said.

“Come, let’s go home.”

Wen Ruan lowered her eyes and her gaze fell on his outstretched palm.  Suddenly, a sour feeling rose to the tip of her nose.

A long time later, she laughed then nodded and placed her hand on Fu Zhihuan’s palm.


As expected, as soon as they left the police station, countless cameras were aimed at Wen Ruan’s face.

Lights kept flashing alternately and microphones were held up in front of her face.  All the people around became noisy and from time to time, there were clicking sounds from the cameras.

Fu Zhihuan showed a slight frown and reached out his hand to shield Wen Ruan from the microphones that were almost poking her face.

“It’s heard that you were at the scene of the crime.  Can you tell us about the situation in detail?”

“According to what we understand, you were Lu Kechen’s defense lawyer three years ago.  Can you tell us what you know about him?  Is he really the victim as rumored?  Then why wasn’t this matter brought up in court three years ago?  Is it because there was a mistake in your investigation?”

As Wen Ruan walked forward, the repressed irritation in her heart seemed to be ignited.

So noisy!

“Please tell us why did you still choose to be Lu Kechen’s representative three years later?  Can it be that you were aware of something earlier?  As for his actions, did you anticipate them in advance?  As a lawyer, why didn’t you stop Lu Kechen?”


Don’t ask anymore!

“Miss Wen Ruan, can you please answer the questions?”

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The voices beside her ears were noisy and the endless questions had entered Wen Ruan’s ears as though they had turned into the summer cicadas and shrill screams which made her temples feel a tearing pain.

The emotions that she had just placed under control were at this time pushed to the brink of collapse by the endless series of questions.

Right at this moment, a layer of darkness appeared before her eyes to shield her and it seemed something was laid over her body and covered her tightly.

Fu Zhihuan had taken off his coat and placed it gently on Wen Ruan’s body.  Then with a hand on her back, he swept her in front of him and covered her face firmly.

“Excuse me.”

He raised his eyes with his brows curved down and his long and narrow eyes were cold and piercing.  Just with the two words, all the people around them quietened down in unison.

Wen Ruan was startled.

Fu Zhihuan led her all the way forward.

The noise around her gradually became less and less.  The evening breeze brushed the bangs on her forehead and the ticklish feeling felt on her cheeks traveled to her heart.

It is only now that she realized he is such a gentle person.

After getting into the car, Wen Ruan spoke softly.

“Thank you.”

Fu Zhihuan did not reply and abruptly mentioned another matter.

Qin Biyang contacted the reporters.”

She was stunned.  Her dull eyes seemed to light up at this moment and she raised her head to look at him in astonishment.


“He decided to expose to the public that Lu Kechen was humiliated three years ago because he wanted to protect Qin Wan from being humiliated.  Therefore, Lu Kechen didn’t make it known that Qin Wan committed suicide back then, and instead admitted to unintentional homicide.  Although it’s a bit too late, Qin Biyang told the reporters that he is willing to clear Lu Kechen’s name.”

“Besides that Qin Biyang was also planning to contact Father Lu and publicized his daughter’s diary that was written before her death.”

Qin Biyang admitted to the police that he met Xu Binrui not long ago and that Xu Binrui had used Qin Wan’s photos to extort a sum of money from him.

Although three years had passed, as a father and a husband, he still could not forget that painful past.

Qin Biyang had thought about taking revenge for his daughter.

But Lu Kechen came to him at that critical time.

Qin, now that you have a new family that loves you and worries of your own, it is not worth doing it.”

Qin Biyang turned his head to look at the smiling faces of his wife and daughter who were watching TV in the house and silently gave up the idea.

However, he knew Lu Kechen was someone unwilling to ‘let go of the past’ even though he was patiently persuading him at that time.

And Lu Kechen understood that it should not be done but eventually, he still decided to deal with it personally.  However, he did not want Qin Wan’s family to be hurt again before it happens.

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So when Qin Biyang saw the news, he could already guess everything.

“I regret it deeply.  If I had persuaded that child with a few more words when I guessed his intentions and didn’t hang on to my face and had told him I have forgiven him…….then perhaps, everything wouldn’t have turned out this way.”

Therefore, he wants justice for Lu Kechen.

After listening to Fu Zhihuan’s words, Wen Ruan’s pent-up feelings surged up again.  She pursed her lips and a moment later, she turned her head away and tried to make her voice sound calm.

“Mm……I understand.”

The car drove to the bottom of the apartment building.

Fu Zhihuan pulled out the car key and glanced at the person beside him.

“Aren’t you getting down from the car?”

Wen Ruan lifted her eyes and shook her head.  Although her voice sounded steady and calm, some slight trembling could still be detected.

“I’ll sit for a while.  Can you let me have the car key?  I’ll lock up later when I go back.”


Fu Zhihuan looked at her but did not query further.  Then he placed the car key on the side and turned around to get down from the car.

The surrounding fell into silence.

The lights in the car dimmed and the darkness shrouded Wen Ruan as though it was devouring her.


A teardrop fell on the back of her hand.

After the sound of a sob, Wen Ruan finally did not hold back her emotions and cast aside her self-control and cried aloud.

There were a lot of complicated feelings within her and at this moment, she could finally vent without reservation.

It was a dark night with the moon hiding behind dark clouds.

Wen Ruan reached out her hand and pulled out a few pieces of tissue paper.  She exhaled, calmed down, and then cleared her throat before getting out of the car.


As soon as the car door was closed, Wen Ruan looked up and saw Fu Zhihuan leaning against the car door of the back seat.  A cigarette was pinched between his fingers and it was already burned halfway through.

When he saw Wen Ruan had come out, he lowered his head then put out the cigarette, and straightened up.

“You didn’t leave?”  Wen Ruan was stunned.


Fu Zhihuan let out a laugh and said.  “How can I leave when you’re still here?”

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