
”Wait, why isn ’t your soul suppressed? You don ’t even have a fleshy body to protect you! ”

Garvin gave off a derisive sneer, ” Hmph! What do you know? I had to spend thousand years tempering my soul body in this lake to gain resistance, and in the process, I had to make sure I wouldn ’t die halfway. ”

”Can I temper my soul body in that lake? ” Hearing that, Davis ’s eyes lit up in greed.

”Don ’t even think about it! You won ’t even last a second with your soul forging cultivation base… ” Saying so, Garvin turned back to leave.

Davis, who couldn ’t see anything to his front without Garvin ’s help, followed him back into the room.

First day…

”Out of the three cultivation systems, Soul Forging Cultivation is the hardest to cultivate! I assume you know the first five stages of Soul Forging Cultivation System. ”

”I ’ll start explaining the first one, Nascent Soul Stage.
This stage is where your existent, yet non-existent soul, takes form… ”

Garvin started to explain.
He vocalized his thoughts and made Davis understand his teachings to a great degree, even taking the time to explain the first five stages in Soul Forging Cultivation to stabilize the latter ’s foundation.

”Understanding the soul through heaven and earth energy is the mysterious element.
What kind of law do you practice with your soul? ”

”Light? ” Davis said doubtfully.
After all, he also used Fallen Heaven ’s dark-like energy as well.

”Light, is it? Most of us tend to subconsciously stick to Light for our Soul Cultivation.
In truth, it doesn ’t matter if you practice light or dark.
Understanding the mysteriousness behind the soul law is what ’s important. ”

”What is soul law? ” Davis turned confused as it was the first time he heard of the term.

”I thought of explaining that when I get to explain about the Fifth Stage but whatever…
Laws are of the embodiment of the universe.
It is boundless. ”

”Since it is boundless, you won ’t be able to even understand completely.
Not even I do, nor do Ninth Stage Experts! ”

”People since ancient times decided to come together to compile their comprehension and doing so resulted in laws being divided into three major types in accordance with the cultivation systems created for humanity. ”

”Energy Laws, Body Laws, and Soul Laws. ”

”But in truth, all are one and the same, belonging to the same major law. ”

”For example, let ’s say you practice fire laws.
Using fire body laws to temper your body is effective but to train your soul and energy with fire body laws will result in no progress at all. ”

”You ’re simply using the wrong source of energy and comprehension to feed your power. ”

Davis ’s eyes widened as he understood, ”Then how do I differentiate between the laws I comprehend? ”

”Heh, that depends entirely on your comprehension and the ability to understand laws.
This is entirely innate and there are no records of one being able to improve their innate talent of comprehension as far as I know. ” Garvin shook his head.

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