stopped halfway when he saw that she converged all the players around her. 

After a short wait, it seemed like they had reached some sort of consensus.
They executed a beautiful sequence of skills that incapacitated all their foes and began a heavy bombardment that defied all reason. 

The Dark Knight was greatly stunned by their prowess, which was a far cry from his memories, especially for all the core members, some of whom didn ’t even exist in his memories. 

However, he quickly focused and got back to his task at hand: vanquishing Eva.
He had to be smart about it because once Eva got a whiff of him, he would fail and he somehow knew that the stars would never align themselves in a similar way to give him another chance. 

In fact, he was certain that he would be the one extinguished from the world permanently, no matter the outcome.
As such, he had to make his sacrifice count and execute everything perfectly.
With this blessing from that strange Goddess, he certainly would be able to get into place with ease. 

Everything would depend on the effectiveness of his plan.
With that in mind, the Dark Knight got close to where Eva stood with the other three beauties nearby. 

He then plunged his hand into his chest and silently screamed as he pulled out a strangely shaped scale.
It was similar to the one Draco had over his heart, the same shape and all, only that this one was slightly silver in color. 

It was his reverse scale! 

To tear off his reverse scale, the Dark Knight truly did not plan to live after this.
If there had still been a sliver of a chance that he might survive, perhaps getting rescued by the Goddess who had helped him out, he had just extinguished that possibility. 

No Dragon could survive without their reverse scale, no matter who.
In that same sense, the majority of a Dragon ’s essence and power was contained in their reverse scale. 

After removing his reverse scale, the Dark Knight slotted it on his broadsword.
Immediately, the weapon glowed with a bright light that was suppressed by the cover granted to him, but its sheer power made him waver. 

This was when Essence Stalker, in his Void Dragon form, sensed some weird undulations of space behind him.
It was similar to when he had been in the Ancestral Dragon City and had encountered an ancient Bone Dragon that had been blessed by a True God from the old era. 

No, Essence and Fitter had not won that battle, but it had been a valuable lesson teaching Essence a lot about the power of True Gods and Dragons. 

He felt that this undulation was similar to that circumstance, but he wasn ’t sure.
He would have brushed it off if not for where the undulations occurred.
It was right behind Eva ’s location! 

With a roar, Essence Stalker shot an Orb of Void toward that location to hold the enemy back while he rushed over.
He shouted at the top of his lungs: ”BIG SIS EVA, LOOK OUT! ” 

Eva immediately understood what Essence Stalker was trying to convey by reading his mind and quickly activated her True Void Form.
However, the transformations required some time to activate and the Dark Knight had already begun to move the moment he had slotted his reverse scale. 

Essence and Eva had discovered him far too late to change anything. 

The Dark Knight suddenly appeared in plain view behind Eva, shocking the three NPC beauties beside her, as well as many core members who had shifted their attention towards her following Essence ’s cry. 

In that split second, as everyone confusedly watched on as Eva was impaled on the blade of the Dark Knight, it was as if time had come to a stop.
Many wore disbelieving expressions, seeing Eva spit blood from the clearly fatal wound dealt to her that had canceled her transformation. 

But if it was just this, Eva would have been able to retaliate.
The Dark Knight also knew this, so he had channeled all the energy contained in his reverse scale to fuel his Destruction Energy as the black miasma that usually meant that Destruction Energy was present emerged like flames and covered Eva ’s entire body. 

Eva originally planned to retaliate, but paused when she saw an emergency summon from her pod and chose to exit the game immediately.
At that same moment that she left though, the flame-like Destruction Energy had burned her player character to nothing, virtually erasing her existence from Boundless… permanently. 

Right as the Dark Knight was about to let out a sigh of relief, he heard a scream fueled by hatred and anger and turned to see three supremely beautiful women gazing at him with such malevolence that even he shook. 


Eva pulled her hands off Draco ’s temple and sighed with a bit of fatigue.
She sipped her drink lightly while Draco ’s expression changed many times as he parsed the information that had flooded his mind. 

Eventually, his lips twitched.
”I would never have been able to imagine that your mind-reading would become so powerful in such a small amount of time.
You really managed to filch that much from the mind of the Dark Knight in that one split second he had shown himself? Damn, those Eyes of Caelo are useless compared to you! ” 

Eva chuckled smugly.
”Well, they weren ’t made for that purpose, so it ’s understandable. ” 

Draco gave her the side-eye.
Who could not hear the hidden boast in her tone? ’This Celestial Beauty of mine, she ’s really becoming a shameless crook by the day. ’ 

’Sniff, I ’m so proud… ’ 

Draco passed a hand through his hair.
”But still, despite going against you, I can ’t help but feel bad for the Dark Knight. ” 

Eva smirked.
”Hehe, lemme guess, it ’s because of that, right? ” 

Draco nodded with a bitter smile.
”That Dark Knight fellow was ready to die thinking he would vanquish you, yet here you ’re with me, fine and dandy. ” 

Draco ’s face became even stranger at this point.
He had the look of an older brother, who watched his younger brother make a fool of himself by asking out the school ’s prettiest girl to prom, when he himself was just a 5/10. 

”All his willingness to sacrifice himself, yet his plan was destined to fail if I hadn ’t interfered anyway… because after the last time we shared our bloodlines, you became immune to Destruction Energy. ” 

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