good weapons were sold at the price of 800 to 1000 gold coins.

And the only key difference was that there was a brand or the company name of the Grandmaster Blacksmith attached to it which raised the price by 2 to 3 times.

Just like the overpriced branded shoes or bags that were advertised through celebrities but were not even worth half the price in reality.

But during their visits, Kahn also noticed a remarkable trait about Omega.
The Lycan subordinate after merging with Arkham and taking a human form..
Had become a sword fanatic.

To every Weapon shop they went..
Omega was ogling at the high-quality swords like how little kids looked at chocolate.

Even after refusing, Kahn still ended up buying 4 rare rank swords that Omega would probably never use but still wanted to keep as part of his collection.

Kahn took out a space ring from his pockets and handed it to the subordinate in case he needed to store his belongings there.

Because the amount of adoration Omega was suddenly showing towards swords already gave Kahn a foreboding of unnecessary expenditures on collecting swords.

Like how the hardcore fanboys collected the action figures of their favorite superhero, video games and anime waifus.
Omega was no different than those weebs.

He didn ’t even bother checking the weight, durability or balance of the swords..
Rather, only their appearance & how well carved they were.

Kahn ’s Lucifer was also a small rank above Epic rank but below the legendary rank.
And the swords they bought weren ’t even half as good as he wanted but still cost him 40 thousand gold coins.

But from this experience..
He learned how important brand value was.
Although he already knew the basics, it was still a completely different feeling when it came to running a business yourself.

Since they were going to open for business soon in the next few days..
Kahn had to think of a clever strategy that would not only gain their company a big amount of customers but would also spread their reputation and name amongst the masses.

A big boost such as this would catapult them quickly to become one of the big businesses if they played their cards right.

A sinister plan hatched in his mind that would put the market in shambles but also benefit their business greatly.

The next day, Kahn made another announcement in the main meeting hall where all the important members of their company were present.

But unlike two days ago, not only did this announcement introduce Omega as part of their company, adding another peak grandmaster warrior in their ranks..
But also a mind-blowing announcement that left everyone including Albestros, the grandmaster blacksmith speechless.

Kahn now stood in the middle of the stage and nearly 800 employees who were rooted on the spot stared at him with a bewildered expression.

Kahn decided to repeat his words and spoke loudly for everyone to hear.

”So from the first day of our official launch.. ” he took a pause and grinned.

”We will sell all our products at half the market price! ”

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