antom was speaking, it was something definitely worth knowing.
Besides, the word ’successor ’ sounded cool.
As normally, something like this would be counted as a fortunate encounter in a Cultivation novel which helps MC become very OP or gives him powers that ’ll become his trump cards.

Kahn knelt on one knee and replied with the aura of heroism and responsibility.

”I, Kahn.
Swear that from this day forth, I shall make it my life ’s mission to serve and protect the Rakos Empire with all of my being.
And I promise to make it the biggest and most powerful force in this world in my lifetime! ” shouted Kahn as he looked at the phantom with the expression of righteousness on his face.

[Like fuck I ’m gonna do that! Just give me the goddamm thing you dumbass ghost!] he spoke to himself as he maintained the upright expression.

”Then I, Lerzon the First Sage and the most trusted aide of the great Emperor shall name you as the True Successor and grant you the core of our Emperor, Rathnaar the Conquerer.
Who was once a peak Saint Rank Swordsman before he passed away.
In his name, I bind this core ’s ownership to you.
I hope that you find a way to utilize it and lead our Empire to greatness. ” said the phantom.

[What kind of loosely written plotline is this? He isn ’t even inquiring about my background or testing my true intentions.] spoke Kahn to himself.

Suddenly, hundreds of white threats came out of the core and entered Kahn ’s body.

[Let ’em freebies come in.
My body is ready!]

Soon, the phantom faded and the giant orb started shrinking its size.
In just 10 seconds, it turned into a normal orb that was of the size of a football (soccer ball) but it still maintained the white glow.

Kahn placed his right hand on this core as if he had a sense of familiarity with it.
He knew touching it won ’t harm him in any way.

”System, scan it. ” he ordered.

[Scanning Complete.

Congratulations to the host for acquiring a peak saint ’s core.

This core can be used as a source of vast mana or can be absorbed to break through the Saint Rank levels when the host is at least a 4th stage Saint himself.] replied the system.

So I can ’t use it now? Why? ” he asked.

[Because the host ’s body is currently too weak to absorb or sustain any energy from inside this core.
With the host ’s current rank, the host can only use it as a supplementary source of mana.
Trying to absorb the core through any method would result in the host getting exploded or reduced to dust.] explained the system.

”What if I cut it into small pieces? ” asked Kahn.

If the host wishes to die.] replied the system in a sarcastic tone.

Kahn felt embarrassed after the system ’s remark and he took a separate space ring that had space big enough to hold this core inside.
He put the core in it and returned to Rudra, who was done tearing through, then eating the body & the core of the magma drake.

I ’m done.
But from now on, I will need some time to completely absorb its bloodline and abilities.
So do not call me out for another month.
Because I will be under a sleeping state from now. ” spoke Rudra.

”Then what about that? Why didn ’t you eat it as well? ” asked Kahn and pointed his fingers towards a heap of dark and scaly armor-like body parts of the drake.

”Even I can ’t digest them.
So I left them as it is. ” said Rudra and quickly entered Kahn ’s shadow.

[Do not wake me up.
I won ’t be able to come out anyway.] said Rudra in Kahn ’s mind.

I should make good use of this. ” said Kahn as he looked at the heap of this scaly and extremely durable body parts of the drake.

These were exactly the places where Kahn ’s Darkbade attacks failed to penetrate and damage the dungeon boss.

Kahn took this entire heap inside his main space ring and departed from the dungeon.
This time, he didn ’t want anyone to see him in this weakened state so he covered himself under the black cloak.

After spending two hours and finally exiting the dungeon, he reached the city gates.

But suddenly, heaven shaking and ground shattering voice filled the sky and the entire Bromnir dungeon shook.


A loud announcement came from the dungeon and filled the entire sky, it shook the entire Flavot City and the area in nearby 50 Kilometers.
No matter where one was, they ’d hear it very clearly.

Kahn who nearly fell on the ground after hearing this announcement, cursed inside his mind as he recognized this voice.

[Fuck you first sage! Why don ’t you declare my name as well!]

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