et’s hurry back to the school now… I guess I’ll put this all away for the time being, then give it to everyone later.
Maybe I can say that I picked those up when I was coming back from the drugstore, but I was so nervous at the time, that I forgot to actually give the guns and doll to them or something.

While thinking of that, I happily climbed the school’s gate as I hummed the ‘Song of the Death God’ that I got some time back, even if it had no use anymore.

But then, as soon as I jumped inside the school grounds, I heard a chilling voice coming from behind me, “You’re in quite the good mood, aren’t you?” my whole body froze at those words.

Slowly, I turned towards this terrifying voice, and saw Ms.
Asaka looking at me with the scariest smile I have ever seen… she’s definitely angry.

And behind her, was Takenaka Isao… How though? I was sure that I avoided his gaze while moving out…

“Takenaka saw a bright light at Captain, so he warned me about it.” As if reading my mind, Ms.
Asaka explained it.

Ah… Of course.
He can see the market from the school’s rooftop, that was how he found Kousuke’s family in the first place… That was a real blunder on my end.

“You best be prepared for quite the scolding, as soon as I hear why you went there in the first place.” Ms.
Asaka told me.

“I’m sorry…” I replied.
Not much that can be done now other than accepting that I’ll have to hear quite the sermon…

But then, I heard Takenaka whisper at my ear, “Sorry, senpai.
I didn’t know it was you there…”

“It’s alright.
You just did your job there.” I replied.

Though I was actually quite worried about this.
If he saw a bright light, he most likely saw me using magic… Will I be okay?

Takenaka eased my worries without me even needing to ask about it though, “Though why were you using fireworks, senpai? It really was quite bright at Captain.” he asked me, this time loud enough so that Ms.
Asaka could hear us.

Oh, fireworks! Of course, that makes sense, it’s more reasonable for him to come to that conclusion than to expect me to somehow be able to use Fire Magic.

“Oh, that… To attract zombies, I guess…? It was the idea behind it at least…” I replied.
It was the best answer that I could come up with.

“I see…” Ms.
Asaka replied.

“Can you keep this a secret…?” I asked them.

“Of course!” Takenaka instantly replied, “Though don’t put yourself in too much danger, senpai.
Everyone relies a lot on you, after all.”

Asaka, on the other hand, just sighed… Is she counting on me too? I suppose I’d do the same if I was in her position.

Although… It makes me feel guilty.
As if I’m betraying everyone, because I’m hiding my powers…

But then, a girl that gets stronger the more she kills zombies? In this incredibly messed up world, I somehow was able to even get an item as convenient as an Antidote… In this kind of situation… Wouldn’t I be forced to leave this community if they found out about my powers?

… I’m fairly sure that might actually happen.

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