
When I looked at the screen, I saw an angsty hero playing hide and seek with a group of kids.

This anime was not aired today, but Mika had recorded it, and there was a DVD on the TV, so I played it.

What the heck, she’s got a good point too! I thought, but when I checked with Saki-chan, she had never seen this anime before.

She waved his head around, recorded an anime but didn’t play back the video, etc.
I couldn’t get a grasp of Mika as a person.

Saki-chan stared at the TV and seemed to be very interested in playing hide and seek from the anime.

Maybe she hadn’t played it before.

“Saki, do you want to play hide and seek?”

“…I want to.”

Where shall we play?”



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What a gutsy girl to try to hide in this six tatami room.

“All right.
Do you want to hide? Or do you want to seek?”

“Hide and seek.”

“Okay, I’m… the seeker.
I’m going to count to ten, so hide.”


I covered my face and counted to ten, saying “One, two…” aloud.

“Are you ready?”

“I’m done.”

It was obvious where she was hiding by the direction her voice came from, but it would be a shame to find her right away.

“I wonder where~”

I had already noticed that Saki-chan was behind the curtain by the shadows that had formed there, but when playing hide and seek, it was important to be nervous that you might be found.

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So I went to the bathroom where I knew she would never be, and went to open the closet door.

“She’s not here.
Where is she~?”

Then, as I gradually approached the desired location, I said, “Could she be here?” As I said so, I slowly raised the back of the curtain, and the figure of a small angel appeared.

“Found you!”


Saki-chan was happy to have been found, and she smiled and was happy to see me.

(Oh God, she’s too cute!)

After this, Saki-chan wanted to play as the seeker, so we took turns and I had to hide.

I could hear the sound of her footsteps pacing around the room, searching hard.

I hid in the tub, and my eyes met Saki’s as she raised the lid slightly.

“I’ve been found!”

“Found you!”

Saki-chan looked happy again, as if she enjoyed looking for me in hiding.

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