make him worry.

There was no need to tell him that I could die.
…Because I definitely won't die.

“Well, tell me or not, I'm still not satisfied so I'm going to bully you more.”

His voice snapped me back to the situation at hand.

Hey, you're letting all this effort come to naught!? I thought.
More importantly, I'm already suffering, unable to cum, and you still want to do more to me!? Yet all I could manage to verbalize was…

“Ngh…Ah…? Ah, No…no, ag, ahnnn…mhn♡”

Suddenly I became aware of something slowly entering my ass.
Luca’s dick? No, it was shining brightly.
I was filled by Luca's tentacles.
When I looked at it properly, I found a considerably thick arm reaching up from below my butt.

Since the tentacles are glowing, I can clearly see you hungrily sucking me in.” Luca said, huskily.
“Zagan's swollen rim is so lewd and cute.”

“Ah, hn…
Don't say that.
D-Don't look…at that…”

“Don't be shy, Zagan.
Haven't I already seen it many times?”

That may have been true, but embarrassing things are embarrassing.
It didn't matter how many times we had done it.
Perhaps Luca's mana had stimulated my wall to produce juices, as every time the tentacle thrust in, it made lewd squelching sounds.
Spreading my hole open bit by bit, the arm entered deeper than before.
The pleasure spread from inside, and I tightened my hole involuntarily, and my body trembled from the onslaught of stimulation.
I hadn't been able to cum for a long time and, as if trying to compensate, my face began spilling a river of tears down my cheeks.

“Hyaah, ah, ahn, …Ngh, hah…ah, ahn…

“Pfft, my cute Zagan,” Luca groaned.”I'm going to go in deeper.”

“Hya…no, that's impossible!”

I writhed in a feeble attempt to escape, but no matter what I did, the tentacles wouldn't come out.
If anything, they teased my insides further, as if controlling my movements, making me pant.
It felt good, but it was torturous.

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“Ngh, …Ah, no…no!”

You're taking it all in.
Seems that you like it.
It's warm and soft, and it's squeezing me tight that it's comfortable for me, too.
Oh, I think I just entered your colon.
My penis could only go this far.” Luca placed his hand just above my pelvis, the familiar warmth of his hands in no way diminished by that radiating off of his light.
“Since we've gone this far, should I go in deeper? It's fine, it won't hurt.”

He smiled beautifully and stroked my abdomen.
The gentleness in his voice almost moved me, but I was too far gone.
I hadn't cum for so long that I had become strange, like some wild beast I could not name.
And besides going deeper than this was no good.
At the very least I wanted him to take out the tentacles and put in his penis.

“No, no more…please.
It won't go in, so…ah, uwaah! ”

He went in deeper.
He steadily buried himself inside, assaulting me with waves of intense pleasure.
It sent shivers down my spine.
My waist was throbbing from deep inside, and a feeling of oppression surged forth from my stomach where I was being patted.
Just how deep did he intend to go?

“Hau, …Hic, Hyau…ah, N…No-Nooo!”

My whole body shook at the sensation of my intestines being violated.
If this went on, wouldn't my stomach rip apart? Although I knew Luca wouldn't do something like that, each time the tentacles moved even a little, I was overcome with dread.
I wanted him to stop.
This was too much.

“Hic…N…Nwo, hyau….

“Fufu, Zagan's stomach feels warm.
How is it?” he teased, lightly. ”You want me to take it out?”

“T-Take it out…Please!” I begged, frantic.
He was clearly unaware of the severity of the overstimulation he was putting me through.

“What to do? Crying Zagan is awfully cute so I feel like bullying you more.”

“Don't! …Ah.

This was awful.
This was too awful.
I couldn't stand this kind of humiliation.
And because I couldn't cum, I felt like my bladder was becoming distorted.
It was too torturous.
My throat choked up with sobs and tears pooled in my eyes.

I can't do this anymore, I need to let out the pleasure that's been building up.

“Please, forgive me…
I'll tell you.
I'll tell…

“Hmm…” he mused, eyes narrowed and lips pursed as he contemplated my words.
“Then, fine.
I'll just take this one out.”

At my pleading, he slowly withdrew the tentacle from my urethra until it slipped fully out with a squelch.
With the mana blocking it no longer there, strength left my body.
Phew…that felt good.

This comfort was short-lived, however, as the instant the tentacle came out, so too did my semen.
Having lost all my vigour, I slumped as cum splashed over my penis, trailing past the rim of my anus and falling to my ass.
I was exhausted, but the sensation of the buildup disappearing was unbelievably good.
My waist felt like jelly.
I was drunk on pleasure.

Plop, splat.
Regaining a bit of my sanity, I watched the stream of liquid fall straight from my penis into the ocean.
My bladder felt relieved.

I looked up and remembered my surroundings.
I could see the starry sky through my blurry vision—Milky Way.
…Ugh, in the end, it was not just sex but tentacle play too.
This was truly a terrible memory to leave behind.

“Zagan is extremely cute.” Luca laughed, a playfully surprised look on his face.
“You let out a wee while making the most bewitched face.
Fufu, you're just like a baby.”

“Fua…? …Ah, ah? No…That, ah, ah, don't look Luca…no, noo!”

It was only after hearing it aloud that I realised I  was urinating and felt my whole body grow hot.
It was embarrassing.
So embarrassing!

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I tried using life magic in a fluster to stop the stream, but since the tentacles were still inside me, I was continuously assaulted by pleasure and couldn't use it well.
Furthermore, Luca seemed to have realised that I was trying to do something, and he moved the tentacles faster inside my hole.
I arched my back at the feeling of my intestinal walls being stimulated.

This resulted in me almost falling on Luca and, when I hurriedly checked on him, he was staring at me with a gleaming expression on his face, making me feel even more ashamed.
In any case, at least it wasn't all that vigorous, so I didn't let out that much.

When I finally finished urinating, I felt a terrible sense of shame, and I cried myself to exhaustion.
Even though I didn't want to cry, I couldn't stop my tears.
I was so embarrassed that I just wanted to disappear somewhere.

Further, he even licked my flaccid penis.
He took it completely into his mouth, and I heard a gagging sound in his throat.
 Even though it was filthy with pee and semen, he licked it.
The shame from that was the final blow.

“Mhm, look, it's clean now.” Luca said, disconnecting from me with a slick pop.
He licked his lips and smiled.
“Haah, Zagan's weenie is really cute.”

“Unh,” I moaned and sniffled.
“…P-Please, forgive me…I'll tell you everything.
Aah…” Through it all, Luca had not budged his tentacles from their place firmly inside my ass.

“Hm? You don't have to say anything though.
I can just continue to carry you like this, inserting my tentacles into Zagan's cute bussy and dick for the rest of your life.”

…What…are you…saying.”

I couldn't process what he said and the confusion was clear on my face.
I assumed he had to be joking, with something as crazy as that, but looking at him told another story.
The look on Luca's face was incredibly serious, and his blue eyes were focused and sharp.
As I stared back at him, my brain going in circles, he narrowed his eyes with a suspicious glint to them.

“You see, Zagan…” Luca stood so that his face was even to mine, and he placed a hand lightly on my cheek.
After all that rough, filthy, embarassing sex, he still looked at me like something precious.
Like a delicate work of art, labeled “handle with care.

“Even though you are quietly letting yourself be held by my tentacles now,” the prince continued.
”If you wanted to, you could escape any time.
The reason you didn't is because you liked being teased by me.
That makes me incredibly happy.” On his face was a mixture of emotions—joy, pride and a dash of sadistic humor all present and accounted for.

“That's why, I'm going to take advantage of you.
I'm going to keep pleasuring you so much that you won't be able to think of anything but me.
That way, I won't have to worry about where you are or what you're doing, will I? Ahh, it's alright.
I'll never let you go, even if it breaks your heart.”

Ahh, I suddenly understood.
One of those emotions resting just beneath the surface peeked out and showed that Luca was still really angry.
Not just because I've been trying to keep everything to myself, but because of all the ways I’d resisted his help and his affections.
I continued to meet him in a dead tired state,  avoided important questions he asked, and caused him to worry incessantly.

It was entirely my fault.

“I-I'll say it.
I'll tell you everything from now on,” I promised.
And I meant it.
“…I'm sorry, Luca.”

I apologised honestly.
Now, all I could do was hope he would forgive me and let me go.

If he didn't do that, I'd have no choice but to cut off all his tentacles.
I didn't want to lose all my senses.
At this point I had already decided.
I want to be with Luca of my own volition.

I did worry that if I cut his tentacles, Luca would misunderstand and be sad, thinking that I was rejecting him.
That's why I wanted him to just forgive me.
I sniffled pathetically, tears not yet dry on my face, and stared at him.
Luca's expression relaxed.
It was a face of a loving defeat.

“You won't try to do everything by yourself?” he asked gently. ”You won't force yourself? ”

“I won't.
If anything happens, I'll tell you everything.”

“…I understand.
Then, I forgive you.” I felt the tightness in my chest unwind at his words and all the muscles in my body relaxed into the grip of his soft, enveloping light.
I don’t know how I looked at that moment, worn out, hair plastered to my forehead with sweat, other fluids dripping down the curves of my most private places.
However I looked must have been a sight, though.
Because, for the first time that day, Luca finally had the decency to flush.
The red tinge to his cheeks and the tips of his ears was endearing enough to almost make me forgive him for putting me in this state to begin with.

“I'm also sorry for hurting you,” Luca murmured, eyes scanning my soiled body before returning to meet my gaze.
“I love you, Zagan.”

He sat me down on his lap and gently hugged me.
I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of comfort at the warm embrace.
He kissed my cheeks and the corners of my eyes, lapping up my tears.
Occasionally, he would grace me with a kiss on the lips as well—feather-light and fleeting.
The fact that he was so gentle with me made me sob even harder, so I pulled myself closer to Luca and cried my heart out.

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