Kidnapped Dragons (KR Web Novel)

Chapter 189: Vitality (5)

Daddy – Food.

The child whom his heart had given birth to, called him. He was asking for food. Until recently, he had been cuddling and asking for food regardless of time and space so he had to teach the child to be patient.

BM pulled the long sleeves that were covering his wrist. The arm which had been bitten three to four times a day for the last three weeks, had several reddish black scars that had yet to close up.

The child rolled his clothes up. The skin near his heart started to open vertically and revealed a purplemouth. Since he was still young, he had to take in a lot of nutrition and nothing was better than the flesh and mana of BM who had the heart of the S+ ranked monster,Seven-headed Troll.

“Ahjussi. Does he really have to be disposed of?”



“I told you its dangerous.”

“I dont understand. Whats the problem?”

“Just wait at home. Dont worry about it.”

“Hes just a little kid.”


“Hes just a kid that doesnt know shit. Why do you have to kill him.”

“Was my explanation not enough?”

“No, I, just… cant understand.”


BM groaned. The teeth dug very deep. 4 rows of sharp teeth like that of a sharks shredded through BMs skin, muscle and bones and erupted every vein on his arm. After that, the purple chunk of flesh throbbed as it started absorbing his blood. It wasnt a big deal since it was what they had been doing the whole time. Although it was slightly burdensome, it wasnt a problem as long as BM replenished enough nutrition and there was nothing more important than the child growing up without a problem.

“Hes different from those chimera rats right…? Since his vitality didnt show up in a weird way?”

“Right. And thats why I had to observe it for a while.”

“What exactly were you observing…?”

“Do you want to know? Why human-type chimeras are dangerous?”

“Ah… nn.”

“Let me tell you then… Mana is the manifestation of will. Every living and breathing thing has its ownwill. However, every creature resembling humans including primates, beastpeople, and other races have aspecial power. It is very special, and at the same time is very dangerous. Do you know what that is?”


“These species can see what they cannot see, and hear what they havent heard before. They can feel what they havent felt before and fantasise about nonexistent things as if they existed. To understand incomprehensible things like the sun, day and night, they can give it meaning. Like a Sun God; a chariot pulling the Sun behind its back to light the day, or the Queen of Night. Such things dont actually exist but a human will can present such things as if they truly exist.”


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