
CH 465

I’ll definitely bring them back, then I’m going to ask them why, and then I’m going to beat them to a pulp.」

Elena looked at the two of them encouraging each other and lightly pulled on Rei’s Dragon Robe as she looked towards the door.

Rei understood her intentions and gave a small nod.
Neve noticed when the two of them started to leave the meeting room.

「Ah, w-wait! I’d like to thank you for what you did……」

「We didn’t save them for the reward.
There’s no need.」

「That’s right.
You two will need a lot of money to treat the three of them, don’t you? Rather than paying us for bringing them here by coincidence, you should keep the money for that.
I’ll explain it to the guild staff.」

「But, that……thank you for being so kind to us.」

If Rei’s party had been in need of money, they might have taken the reward.
However, Elena was a duke’s daughter and a general to begin with and had no lack of money, it was the same for Rei.

They had also received a large amount of money for selling the materials they had obtained from the dungeon and they had been paid quite a bit for the Spear Frog, Antlion, and the three corpses they had brought out from the dungeon previously.

Considering that, they didn’t want to leave a bad taste in their mouth for accepting the reward here.

……That said, they did spend a considerable amount of money on buying food for the three of them.

Rei and Elena didn’t care much for it, but Neve herself couldn’t seem to accept being so one sidedly supported.

As an adventurer, she probably thought it natural that they should be rewarded for completing a request.

Because of that, she tried to speak up again, but stopped after Mel reached for her shoulder and silently shook his head.

「……Please, let us know if something happens one day that we can help with.
You are the ones who saved my friends.
I owe you this favour.
We’ll do whatever it takes to repay you.
I’ll make sure they know that.」

「Suit yourselves.」

Rei decided that he probably wouldn’t be able to get them to back down any further and just sighed as he said those words before leaving the meeting room with Elena.

Mel and Neve bowed silently as they saw the two off them off.


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After coming back down from the first floor, Rei and Elena headed straight for the guild staff member they had talked with earlier.

Normally, they would have gone to a different counter which dealt with completed requests, but they decided it would be better to talk to someone who was aware of the circumstances.

As a side note, both Byune and Vihera had left the guild and were nowhere to be seen.

「Ah, Rei-san.
Elena-san as well.
Is this about the earlier request?」

「Yes, that’s right.
I would like to let the guild know I have no intention of collecting the reward for the request as we didn’t bring them back with the intention of completing the request.」

The guild staff looked surprised for a moment at Rei’s words but soon gave a small nod.

She probably knew that it took a lot of money to cure petrification.

Still, just to be sure, she asked for confirmation.

「Are you sure? Even if you demand payment at a later point, we can no longer provide the reward.」

「Yeah, we don’t need the reward.
The reason we brought the three petrified people back was purely coincidence.
We hadn’t even taken up the request in the first place.」

「……I understand.
I shouldn’t be the one to say this, but please allow me to thank you.
Thank you very much.」

The guild staff gave a deep bow.

The guild staff member had been hired at about the same time the party member of Sky Bells had come to Exil.
Because of that, she had formed a personal relationship with the party.

Her bow of gratitude was because of that.

「We declined the rewards, but it’s still going to be tough for them.」

「Yeah, I have no doubt.
However, I believe that the fact that their friends are not dead will help them through the siutation.
Besides……Mel is sure to be fine.」

The last words said by the guild staff were quiet, but Rei and Elena still heard them clearly with their sharpened sense of hearing.

Rei simply thought that the guild staff before him, a woman in her 20’s with a short cut, was worried about Mel.
However, Elena did not.
From Neve’s reaction back in the meeting room, Elena was sure that the guild staff was more than just worried for Mel.

(It seems there are a lot of complicated relationships.
Although that might be natural considering guild receptionists and adventurers can become quite close.)

At that moment, what popped into Elena’s mind was the Catkin receptionist from Gilm’s guild.
Or rather, the person she saw through Yellow’s memories.

Maybe she was also affected by the female Foxkin adventurer who had also been part of Sky Bells.

「Elena, what’s wrong?」

「No, it’s nothing.
I was just thinking about something, don’t worry about it.」

Elena responded to Rei without thinking, but it was clear that her mood had turned somewhat sullen.
Rei couldn’t understand why as he tilted his head.

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The guild staff watched the two of them with a smile before looking further into the guild.

It was already near evening and the number of adventurers in the guild was gradually increasing.

In fact, in the counters aside from the one Rei was at, there were already people queuing to sell materials.

Seeing the other guild staff look at her, she hurriedly spoke up.

「In that case, things are getting busy, so I’ll let you get back to your work.
Thank you very much for today.」

She quickly bowed her head as she told Rei and Elena that there wasn’t anything else they needed to concerned about before the two of them left the guild.

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9 thoughts on “Legend Chapter 465”

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ZaxJune 12, 2022 at 5:43 am

Thanks for the chapter

Reply ↓

fatpandaJune 12, 2022 at 6:47 am

Thank you very much for the double chapters.

Some typos spotted, please take it easy.

> Even if you ask a mage with healing magic to help, the magic required to remove petrification is quite /difficutl/, so you need to spend a considerable amount of money.

> While he had been talking, two /peopl/ had walked up the stairs before eventually stopping outside the meeting room.

> So, thank you for /resucing/ our friends.

> Neve looked over at Rei and asked if he had any more information, to which Rei responded with a /shak/ of his head.

> That was why we usually worked on the 10th floor, which is just before the /deser/ floors……you idiots.

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