MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 283: Thy Name Is Jhonny English

( 3 hours into the competition )

Martin Tyler : Well 3 hours into the competition and I can only tell it to be dissapointing soo far Aaron , only 3 people have made it out of their initial cells , and those who have are not Faring particularly too well , all being stuck on the floor one itself.

Aaron Smith : Well Martin , this prison is special , to explain its layout to our viewers worldwide , the prison is sprawled over an area of 25 square killometers. Divided into 3 floors and one basement. There is no bifercation of prison building and outer prison wall or fence or anything.Only one large cement structure. There are no windows in the structure and there is only two points of entry into the structure. One at the basement , and one at the terrace.

Hence to escape one needs to make their way to either the heavily guarded basement , or through floor two and three towards the terrace . The entire 25 km square building only has two working staircases , that are heavily barricaded. Between two floors there are 7 layers of restrictions to be crossed just on the staircase. Overall the difficulty is near impossible.

Josè was carefully trying to make his way across the prison , but there were locked doors and guards at every floor , even the damn staircase was filled with unnecessary steel gated bars.

Overall the sheer security of the place was too damn annoying , half a dozen guards patrolled each corridor , spending about 3 hours making no serious headway , Josè understood that escaping from the cell was the easy part compared to this.

Uptill now he did not even have a idea about the rough layout of the place , or even from where to escape? , how far was the boundry? , What was the prison boundry? , He had no clue.

There was not a single window that he could access , from where he could look outside and atleast get a rough idea about the layout of the place.

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It was then , that he came up with a bold plan , probably the most insane plan in the history of prison breaking , but he was desperate , and needed to do something.

In a room on the far right corner of floor one , was the control centre for all the prison cells on floor one.

Josè made his way to that room , looking inside , there were two guards inside. He clicked his tongue , this was harder than he thought. However on the plus side , only one guard was armed , while the other was not.

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