ts couldn’t be seen from here.

Maa, it was a world with magic, so there should be light magic or something.

Their civilization was at about the same level as Japan post-westernization.

There were still not a lot of street lights, and their usage was clumsy as well.

There were too many lights in the place that appeared to be the town center.

Like that, you wouldn’t know if something happened in the back alley, and crimes would probably be committed continuously.

Moreover, it might have been because it’s night time, but there was no pedestrian traffic.

No, was I wrong to compare it to the cities in Japan?

I pushed it to the back of my mind, and searched for signs of people.


There wasn’t anyone nearby.

I headed towards the tower with the heaviest security, probably because the king was there, looked for an open window while in stealth and snuck in.

「Now theen, where is the king, I wonderrr.」

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Walking stealthily, I pressed my ear against the doors one by one.

Although I had heard the king’s voice only once, that ominous and slimy voice was instead something that I couldn’t get out of my head.

I didn’t think anything of it in the beginning, but now, I even got goosebumps.

When I arrived in front of the door of a certain room, I finally got a hit.

This door looked quite heavy.

Was it his study?

I immediately pressed my ear against the door.

「…Maria, how’s the situation with those damn brats?」

「The situation is favorable, otousama.
Nobody has noticed it yet.
After all, they are children who came from a world without magic.
Not even knowing how we will use them, they are in high spirits and are sleeping right now.」

「Is that so.
In that case, let’s continue with the plan.
They are prohibited from entering the library.
Starting tomorrow, have Saran train them.」

「Yes, certainly.
Everything is as otousama, Your Majesty the King.

…although I had expected this, how scary.

The people who were smiling at us up just a little while ago, were making plans to deceive us.

There were low-lives even on Earth, but because Japan was a gentle country, I had even thought in my heart that this was impossible.

However, even that ended at just that.

I concealed my presence and entered the study as the princess came out of the room.

Even so, having seen her just now, the princess’ face was unseemingly distorted, how dreadful.

There was no trace of her gentle smile.

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I wonder if all girls were like that.

A guy like me wouldn’t be able to understand something like being two-faced.

I was wandering around the spacious study, looking for the king.

I liked reading, so I was interested in the books that were lined up, but I needed to control myself here.

I, took out a silver dagger from within my black clothing.

It looked sharp, so I took it along with me when I snuck into the armory.

Within the innermost part of the study, was the king.

He sat at his desk and was intently writing something.

I stood behind him.

I suddenly thought of something.

I could kill this guy right now without anyone noticing.

However, I still didn’t know what this guy’s intentions were.

Why did he summon us?

And, what kind of country was this?

And above all, I still didn’t have the resolution to kill someone.

No, to begin with, I don’t have such a savage personality as to kill here, but even if I had to do that for the time being, I couldn’t kill.

On that day, I returned to my room.

It was not until a month later, when I regretted not killing him at that time.

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