d raises a hand towards its face.

“…nd, magic, [Gale]”

A gust of wind rushes past its open eyelid and plunges into its eyeball.
Zashuh! The blood vessels in its eye become bright red with congested blood.
But its eye continues to glare at her without any lost function.

It slams its forelegs into the ground.
The entire area shakes, and its huge body springs into the air.
This is it, the [High Jump].
With its hind legs crushed, I thought it wasn’t going to be able to use it.

The lesser treant crawls with its roots, putting more distance between itself and the grafant.
It creaks as it moves, its eye-like depressions fixed on the midair graftant.

“-th… magic, [Clay]”

As Aro chants, the vitality drains from her body.
Her skin dries out, becoming more earth-like.
It looks like she’s put all of her remaining MP into this [Clay].

Pushing through the undergrowth, an extra-large needle of earth materialises from the ground.
It stretches out two metres in length, pointing towards the falling abdomen of the grafant.
She must be planning on using the force of its fall to inflict damage.

That could work…is what I thought, but the grafant tilts its body forward, shifting its trajectory to the direction she’s retreating.
Feeling that her expression is clouding over, I judge that I should lend a hand here.

A faint light shines from the grafant’s body as it hangs in the air for an second.
The next instant, its huge body is wrapped in flames and it suddenly starts rocketing downwards.

This’ll be the skill that’s paired with [High Jump], [Meteor Dive].
It looks like it’s a skill to drop onto your opponent at high speed while burning.

I shoot two [Wind Slashes].
The blades of vacuum fly straight and penetrate its armour of flame, striking its head and body.
The first shot crushes its face, causing its forward-leaning posture to crumble.
The second [Wind Slash] gouges out flesh from its abdomen.


As it lands, the giant earth needle pierces its wounded belly.
Unable to withstand the impact, the needle of earth crumbles away part way through.
The shock of its landing rocks the surroundings.

Cheh… It’s got more power than I thought.
If I’d taken that hit as an evil plague kid dragon, I’d be on the brink of death.
But since it jumped onto a pillar of earth with the force of its own attack, it should’ve taken quite some damage.


The grafant’s crawls on its stomach, but soon manages to climb back to its forelegs.
In the centre of its abdomen, the tip of the giant [Clay] needle is embedded.
Blood gushes out.

Species: Grafant

Condition: Enraged (major), bloodshed
Lv: 27/55
HP: 208/361
MP: 95/153

…I-it’s still got over half left.
More than anything else, it’s a monster specialised in defence, so there’s no helping it.

Aro falls from the lesser treant’s branch, landing on her back.
The lesser treant quickly picks her up and flees from the grafant.
She’s at her limit for MP, then.
It looked like that last [Clay] had a lot of magic power loaded into it, after all.

Should I finish it quickly…? I notice the spiderlings approaching the wound I opened in its rear with [Wind Slash].

“Bumoh! Bumooh!”

The spiderlings spew out thread and stick to the wound.
It tries to shake them off, but its legs are in tatters from the impact of its fall, so it’s unable to put much strength into it.
Even if it tries to attack, it can’t do anything since they’re at its rear.

I smash its forelegs with [Wind Slash].
With a thud, it collapses to its belly.
At the same time, the spiderlings start biting at its wound.

“Bumooh! BumooOOOH!”

…I guess I’ll leave it for a while until its strength runs out.
Poor thing, though.

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