e revenge, some hints of resentment had actually appeared on her face!

It was tragic to have a grandmother like this.
She seemed to be so nervous and afraid for another matter entirely.

Skepticism reared its head when “His Majesty won’t agree” was uttered.
Xie Yue faked anger and denounced, “How dare you, just listen to you talk! You’re just surrendered war captives—are you trying to throw your weight around here? His Majesty won’t agree? His Majesty doesn’t even know who you are! Don’t try to scare me with this kind of frippery!”

The old dowager was shocked by how rampant and unbridled this butler was.
She’d never suffered like this before, and their very lives would be forfeit if they didn’t leave with Qin Yining today!

Thus, the Qin matriarch retracted her worry and fear to retort furiously, “Don’t you be so overweening! His Majesty will be holding an imperial selection next year—I’ve already signed my granddaughter up for it! Her name’s been submitted! What, does your prince want to fight the emperor himself for a girl?”

What? The imperial selection?

Xie Yue’s expression remained unchanged, but tidal waves of emotion crashed in his heart.
This old dowager didn’t care much about her granddaughter, but she sure wasn’t shy when it came to using the younger generation!

Here in accompaniment, Bingtang, Jiyun, and Qiulu were also stunned.

The three of them had travelled together, only bumping into the Qins before entering the city gates.
The old dowager, second and third elder master had been bedraggled and filthy.
Fortune had treated them much more harshly than the three girls.
The three maids had been privately wondering what had happened to the Qins.

And now, not only had they failed to get any useful information, but the old dowager had sold off Qin Yining for her own fortune and glory!

Having said her piece, the old dowager was at ease.

The second madame also heaved a sigh of relief and addressed Xie Yue politely.
“Niece Yi is to participate in the imperial selection and serve the emperor.
It would be inappropriate for her to remain in the manor.
I think even the Faithful Prince of the First Rank wouldn’t fight the emperor for a girl, right? We’re all His Majesty’s subjects.
Loyalty is of utmost importance.
Please have niece Yi brought out so that we can bring her back and teach her well, so that she isn’t all thumbs when she serves His Majesty.”

Xie Yue had a most intense dislike of these two women by now.
It could be heard from their tones that they didn’t view Qin Yining as a human being at all, but a mere chip with which to reach their goals.


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