
CH 8

ght, and I’ll show you.”

“Ahhh! You crafty kid! I see what game you’re playing at.
Nice try.” Ouyang patted Lin Feng’s shoulder with a look of appreciation.
Then, his expression turned serious.
“However, this match is just too important.
We can’t afford to fool around! We have to play our five best players!”

Yang Fan glanced at Ouyang.
We can’t afford to fool around.
Now, back to the main topic, are you sure we can rely on Tang Bingyao?”

Ouyang’s expression soured.
“Hey, I already said she was reliable.
You still don’t believe me? Oh, right! Lin Feng, next break we’ll go find Tang Bingyao.
We’re going to convince her to join the team.”

Lin Feng scratched his head.
“Eh…? Why do you need me?”

“Enough with the whys, just come! This is about our class ’ honour!” Ouyang replied.

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Second period was English.
A dull 45 minutes later, the bell rang announcing the start of a 25-minute break.
The students of Class 7 scattered into their own cliques and started chatting, some of them walking out into the hallway.

Ouyang grabbed Lin Feng by his arm and dragged him along to the front of the class.
Only girls sat in this row, and aside from one lone girl, they’d all left for the ladies’ room.
This lone girl sat right next to the wall, earnestly studying her English textbook.

Ouyang walked up to her with a bright smile.
“Tang Bingyao, are you studying? You’re so hardworking!”

The girl raised her head and looked up at Ouyang and Lin Feng.
“Do you two need something?”

Lin Feng looked at Tang Bingyao.
Be it her looks or figure, she was no doubt very pretty.
Her hair was neatly tied in a ponytail with her bangs flowing down in front of her forehead.
But most striking of all was the unique air about her.
At a glance, you could tell she approached life in earnest.

It sounded strange as it was incredibly difficult to describe things like ‘air’ and ‘temperament’ with words.
But this was the feeling Lin Feng got from Tang Bingyao.
She had a very unique and earnest air about her.
In everything she did, from reading her textbook to talking with Ouyang, she appeared earnest.
He couldn’t help but have a good impression of her.

Ouyang chuckled.
“You see, it’s like this.
Tonight, we’re going to play a game of League against Class 8.
But we’re still missing an ad-carry.
You’re a very good ad-carry, so I was hoping that you might be interested.”

Tang Bingyao thought seriously before shaking her head.
“No, I’m not interested.”

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Ouyang’s smile froze, which he quickly replaced with a sincere and meaningful expression.
“Tang Bingyao, our class’ honour is at stake here! I saw you play League the other day at the internet cafe! You’re a Platinum 1 ad-carry on the Ionia server! With you, we will crush those guys from Class 8!”

Tang Bingyao shook her head again and flatly refused, “I’m really not interested.”

Lin Feng poked Ouyang in the side.
“Hey, hey.
I’m interested.
How about you let me play?”

Ouyang shot Lin Feng a sharp glance.
“Shush you! Stop messing things up!”

With a shake of his head, Lin Feng reluctantly closed his mouth.

Ouyang turned back to Tang Bingyao and gritted his teeth.
“We’ll pay you ¥50 if you play with us!”

Tang Bingyao raised an eyebrow in surprise.
She then started seriously considering the offer before finally shaking her head.
She stuck out both her hands and raised eight fingers.

It felt like a knife slowly carving his heart out to Ouyang.
He gnashed his teeth to bite away the pain.

Tang Bingyao cheerfully nodded.
“Just tell me the time and place.”

Huh? ¥50? ¥80? Question marks filled Lin Feng’s head.
However, even a dimwit like him quickly figured out what was going on.
He immediately shouted in protest, “You’re paying her? Hey! I’ll play for free! Let me play!”

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