Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)

Chapter 171: Is He Worth It?

Damien squinted his eyes, ”What do you mean? ”

”You were the personal servant of the Celestial Princess, Lily Rong, and a cripple before, right? ” Triton asked as he narrowed his gaze.

Damien ’s expression didn ’t change much except a faint smile emerged as he said, ”You are right that I was her servant for a while and also that my ethereal core points were miraculously restored by someone who is beyond my reach. ”

Damien already expected people to dig up his background. But he didn ’t mind as it was not much of an issue for him.

He continued, ”But I don ’t see how you came to the conclusion that my intentions in coming here are something else. ”

Triton didn ’t give up and said, ”Do you seriously think that Lily Rong would pick a young boy as her personal servant? Unless something was going on between you two? Perhaps an affair? Maybe you came here to save her from her fate. ”

Damien smiled, but inwardly he was a bit surprised Triton thought that far ahead.

He calmly replied, ”She just took pity on me and did me a favor because I was crippled. I was not fit to work anywhere else in the palace. Besides, I wouldn ’t even dare to look at her sacred face. She is my benefactor; I wouldn ’t remotely think of anything like that. And do you really think that even if I wanted to, I could stop her marriage within two years? You can ’t be joking. ”

Damien ’s expressions seemed firm and completely upright that even Triton almost believed that he was telling the truth.

”Then why doesn ’t anyone know any family named ’Godwin ’? ” Triton pressed on.

”Oh, I didn ’t feel like sticking to my family name as they didn ’t want me there anyway. I simply came up with a name and decided to use that. Why, can ’t I create a family name of my own? ” Damien asked as he shrugged his shoulders.

Triton squinted his eyes. Even though it seemed like Damien was telling the truth, in his heart somewhere, he felt that it was all nonsense. But he had nothing to refute and felt tongue-tied.

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