Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)

Chapter 187: Age Equals Knowledge

Triton affirmed, ”Yes. If it ’s possible for you, it would be best if you could teach the kids here to fight. Even though I haven ’t experienced it firsthand, I have heard that your swordmasterty is peerless. So I take it that you won ’t have a problem with that. Of course, if your teaching is excellent, we could even let you give pointers to even the black ranks. We already have some instructors, but they are numbered less in comparison to the youngsters we have to train. ”

Damien nodded, ”Well, I guess not. By the way, does the color of these masks show one ’s ranking here? ”

Triton looked at the silver mask in his hand and said, ”Black masks are amateurs who would be managed by ones with silver masks. And the ones with sky blue masks would lead important missions. Of course, the ones we send for low-risk missions either would disguise in some other way, or they would carry around a grey mask here to show that they are newbies. ”

”So I guess I am not a newbie even though I am new to this whole thing? ” Damien asked.

”Well, we don ’t exactly rank according to cultivation or experience. But according to the value they hold in our organization. Some of the black-masked people here have higher cultivation than silver masked ones, but they are given jobs they are best at. One ’s cultivation can ’t mean everything. ” Triton remarked.

”I guess then you must be at the top because of your azure mask, right? ” Damien asked with raised eyebrows.

Triton shook his head, ”Not at all. It ’s all because of my grandma ’s position in our society. All of them look up to her as their savior and worship her. Only because of that, they also show equal respect to me. Personally, I have yet to do something that could truly help our people. ”

Damien said with a helpless sigh, ”Dude, you are too hard on yourself. So far, from what I have seen, the sincerity and respect the people here show to you are not half-hearted. They truly believe in you, and I have to admit that in this world, so far, the most impressive youngster I have seen is you. ”

Triton looked at Damien ’s eyes, and he could see that Damien meant every word he said and felt strange hearing Damien ’s compliment as he never thought Damien was the type.

And the most strange thing was that he felt like he was getting complimented by a mature man and not a sixteen-year-old boy. The more he interacted with Damien, the more he couldn ’t see him simply as a sixteen-year-old boy.

He felt that Damien ’s age doesn ’t do justice to his way of thinking and knowledge.

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