Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)

Chapter 190: Who Is Talia?

Triton got up as he said with a faint smile, ”Very good, Damien. That was a fun and interesting class. Even without talking about any theory, you were able to impart essential knowledge to them within just a couple of minutes. Very efficient and precise without boring the children. I am happy with your teaching, and what do all of you think? All those who want Damien as their instructor, raise their hand. ”

Just before anyone raised their hands, Drake quickly looked at some of the kids with a meaningful glare. Seeing his intimidating glare, they gulped as their gaze dropped.

Damien noticed Drake trying to spook up the kids and knew what he was trying to do.

Some of the kids already had their hands up with excited expressions, not minding Drake ’s glare. But they were not at all the majority, and the rest wanted to lift their hands, but feeling Drake ’s glare, their hands shook.

Damien looked at everyone and said, ”Everyone, remember that no matter who you vote for, your vote should carry the choices your heart made. If you don ’t listen to your heart, then you are lying to yourself, giving an opportunity for inner demons to take control of your heart. Don ’t worry about anything or anyone. As long as I am your teacher, there won ’t be any troubles. ”

Drake snorted, hearing his words while all the children nodded, and some of them had hesitant expressions pondering on Damien ’s words.

Triton narrowed his eyes as he could guess what was happening here. He saw how badly all of them wanted to raise their hands, but for a certain reason, they hesitated as they bit their lips.

Slowly, one by one, the children started raising their hands, and soon enough, the majority of the class had their hands raised.

Drake gritted his teeth, and his expression became ugly as he glowered at the kids as if they betrayed him and humiliated him.

Damien had a satisfied smile on his face and looked at Drake, ”Now, are you convinced that being older does not necessarily beget wisdom and knowledge? It ’s okay to be arrogant about your knowledge, but you need to back it up. ”

Triton nodded approvingly, ”Well said. Indeed, one ’s age can ’t dictate how much knowledge and wisdom they possess. ”

He looked at Drake, who had an embittered expression, ”Drake, your knowledge is not inferior or anything. But for teaching these kids, Damien is just more suitable. I will assign you to a different class, so don ’t worry too much about it, and also it would be good if you could also learn some good things from Damien. ”

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