Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)

Chapter 211: You Can Smile

Damien set up a cooking griddle, and since they were sitting on the balcony, it was a perfect place to cook.

He put up a table near the griddle to place all the ingredients on it and make it easier for Reva to cook. He doubted if Reva knew much about cooking since girls like her would be devoting most of their time to cultivation and other studies.

”Now, listen to each of my steps carefully. ” Damien guided her as she started to cook as per Damien ’s instructions.

Damien realized that she had absolutely no knowledge of cooking but was not surprised as there was no need for her to learn them when she got her own cooks to cook food for her.

He had to show her the simplest of steps, and when it came to slicing the meat, she applied too much strength and almost broke the table.

Damien chuckled, seeing her clumsy actions and was a fresh change from how she usually does things perfectly.

”That ’s not how you cut them. Why don ’t you let me guide you? ” Damien asked as he offered to take her hand and guide her.

Reva saw that Damien was offering to take her hand to teach her how to cut the meat. She had ambivalent feelings about it but realized that she wouldn ’t get anywhere with the cooking if he doesn ’t teach her.

She slowly nodded, thinking that there was no other choice, and considered it as a friend trying to help her out.

Damien inwardly triumphantly smiled as he moved behind her back to hold both her wrists.

Reva ’s brows raised, and quickly turned around before his body pressed against hers, ”What are you doing? ” She doubtfully asked as she made him move away from her.

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