Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)

Chapter 247: The Morning Prince

Hearing her authoritative voice, Wilson and Calissa cowered. This was the power of the voice of the second most important figure in the empire.

Despite being a princess and a woman, they knew for some mysterious reason, her skills, status, and power were way off the charts compared to a normal princess.

They also knew how much importance the emperor gave her, and even the grand elders would give as much respect and importance to her just as they would to the emperor.

When Reva was born, they decided to subtly ask the emperor to let one of their children wed Reva so as to form a stronger bond between them.

But before they could even ask, the emperor already announced that Reva was a child blessed by the heavens and that no one in the Rising Sun Continent was worthy of having her hand.

That announcement made all the top families that wanted to propose an alliance shrink their heads and go back disappointed.

They wondered if the emperor was planning for Reva to live her life as a spinster forever. It was the first time ever they were hearing such a thing and was not something that ever happened in the long history of the Rising Sun Continent.

They wondered what was so special about Reva other than being the emperor ’s daughter. They wondered if the emperor as a father felt that no men deserved her or for some other reason.

However, only when they met her after she grew up did they feel an otherworldly aura from her and felt that she indeed was special, especially when they witnessed her cultivation rising fast enough to make their eyes pop out.

And seeing how the others in the palace respected her to the point of reverence, they knew she was not just a figurehead but the most powerful princess in the Rising Sun Continent.

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