Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)

Chapter 279: Look What You Did To Me!

The maid soon laid down the dish, and the aroma from it was pleasantly strong that everyone nearby couldn ’t help but enjoy its smell after taking a sniff.

However, Valentina didn ’t seem that excited even after taking a bite since she felt that Damien ’s cooking was far more excellent and delectable.

Damien also took one of the meat slices in his hand but paused for a second before putting it in his mouth.

Yara seemed to be enjoying her dish as her smile seemed to reach her eyes, and she couldn ’t help but compliment, ”Wow, this is so good. You guys love it, right? ”

Valentina said, taking the pose of a critic, ”Well, I guess it ’s fine compared to the other restaurants. But of course, nothing could beat Damien ’s cooking. ”

Yara laughed slightly, ”Haha, of course, I know about his cooking. And since you are his girlfriend I am sure you won ’t have eyes for food made by somebody else. Damien, one day you should also let me have a taste of your cooking skills. ”

Valentina beamed hearing the part about her love for Damien, making her look even more charming and adorable at the same time, much to the surprise of the others who took quick, subtle sneaks at her.

Damien had a veiled smile and said, ”Of course. Anything for a friend. ”

He then looked at Yara and asked casually, ”By the way, do you still have the pill I gave you last week? ”

Yara pursed her lips as her expression became contemplative and said, ”Oh, that pill? I think I kept it somewhere in my home and even forgot about it, sorry. ”

Damien chuckled, ”It ’s fine. It ’s a gift, after all. ”

”What pill? ” Valentina asked with a puzzled expression seeming unable to remember Damien gifting a pill to Yara.

Damien waved his hands, ”Oh, you were not there. I met her up in between break to gift a pill as thanks for saving us from some trouble. ”

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