Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)

Chapter 351: He Is An Ascended One?

”Ray, don ’t do anything stupid. We don ’t want any trouble. Besides, the only reason I had to kill Timothy was that he threatened to take my daughter, and I don ’t regret what I had to do, ” William said in a somber tone.


Suddenly the kitchen door opened, and Jacob said frantically, ”Ray, the girl is not here! ”

Ray ’s brows raised in surprise, and he turned around to ask the same to William only to see two guns being pointed at him.

”No need to bother looking for her. We knew you guys would come one day. So we took measures to hide her beforehand in a place where you and your men will never find her, ” William said with a subtle smile.

Jacob was about to ready his gun, but Laina shouted, ”Hold still if you don ’t want a bullet in your head! And come inside after closing the door, ” Laina didn ’t want the others to get alert by the tense situation happening inside the kitchen.

Jacob slowly entered and closed the door behind him while Ray cautiously raised his hands as he slowly walked sideways, not bothering to reach out for his gun, ”William, you are making a big mistake here. Your guns might be effective in taking care of me and the other three. But are you sure they are enough to take care of those Ascended men? I also forget to mention that those two are pseudo-Alphas, only below the Alphas in power level. ”

William and Laina ’s expressions turned grave since this was their worst fear. Their guns could help them hold off Ray and the other three soldiers. But was it enough to hold back the two Ascended men? ”

”You are quite a liar, Ray. You offered us your disgusting proposition early. So why are you searching for our daughter if you didn ’t really care about taking her back? ” William asked with a glowering expression.

Ray dryly chuckled as he said, ”Oh, you misunderstand, William. Didn ’t I tell you that my men and I were only here for some fun after a long and tiring journey? So other than your wife, I thought your daughter could also greatly help us reduce our stress. ”

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