Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)

Chapter 86: The Fearless Trio

As Damien got outside the room, he saw Lily hurrying towards him.

”Alchemist Azrael…How is it? ” She anxiously asked.

Damien said plainly, ”It is not beyond hope. I just need some time to prepare myself and I would also be giving you a list of Sky Grade herbs I need to concoct the necessary pill. ”

Lily ’s expression became radiant as she smiled, ”Sure, thank you Alchemist Azrael. I can ’t put into enough words how thankful I am. ” Lily gave a slight bow to Damien as she finished her sentence.

As an imperial princess, her status is officially way above Damien but due to the gratitude she felt, she couldn ’t help but respect the only one who didn ’t say they were helpless to cure her Ancestor.

Damien was a bit taken aback by seeing Lily bowing to him. He cleared his throat and said in a plain tone, ”Please no need for all that, Your Highness. I am already getting paid for my job and it ’s my honor to treat the revered Ancestor. ”

Lily smiled as she nodded. She turned to Oswin Rong who was standing behind her and said, ”Court Master Oswin, can you see to it that Alchemist Azrael gets all the things he needs? ”

Oswin Rong nodded, ”Of course, Your Highness. I will personally see to it that I can procure the herbs he needs. ”


Damien was back in his villa thinking about his next moves. He was thinking whether he should go to collect those herbs in the Dark Forest after the end of Lily ’s training or before that. He even had no idea if he could make it back without any mishaps.

Luna was hovering before him and mocked, ”You are such an idiot, you know that? Are you really doing this just because she ’s your friend or… ” A skeptical smile emerged on her face.

Damien lifted his brows as he looked at her, ”Really? It ’s not whatever you think it is. Besides, even if I ever felt anything remotely she also has to feel the same. ”

”Oh? ” Luna smiled playfully, ”What if I tell you she got the hots for you? ”

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