Luna knew Damien was probably thinking about Sofie seeing his glazed expression.

”You… ” Damien couldn ’t understand why it seemed as if Luna wanted him and Lily to get together. But he could vaguely guess the reason.

He knew that Luna was the kind who would consider anything to make sure he gets powerful fast; of course, as long as he won ’t die.

But Damien never even for a second thought of using Lily just to benefit himself.

”Can ’t you see how much she ’s into you? Otherwise, with her strength, she would have thrown you off to the other side of the courtyard. Or are you just scared to tell her the truth? ” Luna asked, raising one of her brows.

Damien said in a dismissive tone, ”Of course, not. Why should I be scared. ” He continued in a low voice, ”I just don ’t want to disappoint her. ”

”You think this is the end? With your perverted nature and your underhanded ways, who knows how many foolish beauties will fall prey to your claws? Tsk tsk, poor Lily, she doesn ’t know what ’s in store for her. ” Luna said as she shook her head, putting up a grave expression.

”Hey! It ’s not like I am going about seducing every beauty out there…I just felt like it. I just feel like I would regret it if I didn ’t do something…I don ’t know why, and it ’s not because she ’s a beauty. It ’s more like— ”

”Whatever. ” Luna interrupted with a scoff, ”I am not interested in hearing you justifying your perverted nature. But you better get used to the ways of this world. Maybe you only loved Sofie in your previous life, but in this life the more you shine, the more you will attract these ladybugs. Right now you are not an ordinary mortal, so I guess it ’s pretty normal if you feel like spreading your seeds in as many girls as possible. After all, powerful men have a harem because they want to increase the chances of preserving their bloodline…just like animals. ” Luna said in a derisive tone.

”Woah…hold your horses. I don ’t know what ’s going on in that little brain of yours, but I sure as hell am not on a mission to spread my seeds or whatever, nor do I care about any bloodline stuff. I will always love Sofie no matter what, no matter how many times I am reborn and nothing is going to change that fact. ” Damien said in a powerful tone.

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