our ships, and they continue to shoot. What’s more, they can’t use the gun on the leeward bottom gun deck.

If they are superior, they should receive a medal.

[Damn, it’s getting worse by the second! The fleet flagship is…] Commander

Right now, the squadron commander is concerned about only one thing.
It was all about when a flag-waving signal would be raised to the mast of the fleet flagship, the first squadron flagship on which the squadron headquarters were on board before the entire squadron was destroyed.

Hopefully, that’s before each ship in this squadron loses its ability to navigate…

Don Don Don Don Don

[Eh……] Commander

A newcomer suddenly appeared in front of the enemy ship… No, although it is a little old model, it is a friendly ship with a similar flag to their own.

Then, the same scene that the 1st Fleet members saw was repeated.

The only difference was that the second ship was also bombarded from the side, not only from the rear.


The enemy’s first and second ships lost their fighting power in an instant.

… and the mysterious allied ship that appeared as a reinforcement immediately disappeared.


They were stunned for a while, the moment of silence wraps the whole ship……

Then, everyone suddenly returned to their sanity.

[The Goddess’s blessing! We have it! Fireee!!!] Commander

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[[[[[[U ōo ōo o~o ~~!!]]]]]]

Of course, even if they shouted at the poop deck, they weren’t ready to fire the next salvo on the gun deck.
It’s just a battle cry.

However, with the disturbance of the enemy ship and this momentum.

…Then add the goddess’s blessing to that…

[…We can win this!!] Commander

The commander of the 5th Fleet distorted his mouth and muttered with a ferocious smile.

{The first ship is about to sink.
The crew is abandoning the ship!} TACCO

[Roger that!] Mitsuha

Alright, the long-awaited contact has arrived! Of course, it is a wireless communication from a patrol aircraft in the sky.

I asked them to tell me immediately if there was a ship that began to sink and the crew began to escape.

……It’s hard to sink, isn’t it?

That’s the story of shooting normally.

At a very close distance, the bottom of the ship, which was greatly exposed above the surface of the water due to the tilt of the hull, was hit by a salvo and was continuously shot on the deck from the opposite side.
It was also made into a sea of ​​fire by flame jars attack filled with oil.
Then, it will not be possible to cope with the seawater flooding from the underwater breach.

It sinks, when it sinks, yeah.

Also, some of the ships, which only have small punctures and supposed to be unlikely to sink were sinking, because I a part of the bottom of the ship during the transfer.

So why did I want to know the moment when those ships started sinking…

[Transfer!] Mitsuha

Yes, of course, to get it.

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Cannons, gunpowder, shells.

Until the new gun is made, these guns will be loaded on our new ship and to replace the ones whose barrel life has come to an end.

Securing gunpowder and shells for stockpiling.

Then, ship tools and gears, muskets and their gunpowder, bullets, safes, preserved foods, and anything else!

The gunpowder on the lower deck may get a little wet and useless, but it can’t be helped a little.

The reason for waiting until just before sinking is, of course, so that the crew of the enemy ship cannot see the [mysterious equipment disappearance phenomenon].
So I was waiting for the crew to start abandoning the ship.

I can’t just take the whole ship.

This time, it is only and not because the goddess wields a large sword.
I want to make the Noral Kingdom think so.

No, it can’t be helped that the kingdom of Vanell thinks it’s the work of the goddess, but for the time being, .
And the sinking speed is a little faster than usual.

……It’s a little impossible, but they were sunk by cannonballs shot from the ship! So by no means did the goddess sink it!!!

If all goes well, they may be overwhelmed by the idea that and neglect to strengthen its military power.
Thinking that there is no need to waste military spending because the goddess can help them anyway…

The report to the enemy fleet’s home country would be , so the side receiving the report will say, Because you were concentrating on the enemy’s ship, the discovery of the other enemy ship that rushed in from another direction with a single ship was delayed.
And you were fatally damaged by the salvo of the enemy ship that passed through the super close distance in the counter-voyage with the large angle change of the collision preparedness>.
Yeah, that will do.

They wouldn’t really think it and no matter how much the fleet officers explained, it’s just ridiculous bullshit.

Umu-umu, it’s perfect hahaha!!!

Alright, let’s continue!

From the guy who finished loading the next bullet, gently snuggle up to the enemy ship and shoot one-sided salvo!

If I don’t make sure that they’re sinking, I won’t get the contents.

Let’s go crazy!!!

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