This is my first time going through a Teleport Gate but are we already there?” “Yeah, it’s only an instant, but we should be here already, mother…….whaー huh?” We saw two very familiar faces.


One was Lana.
And Ms.
Linda, her mother, was also there probably as her traveling companion and guardian.
Both were wearing more formal clothes than what they would wear at the Bear’s Keg Inn.


Lana: “WHAーー?! TEO?! And Mr.
Henry and everyone! Why are you here?!”


And catching a glimpse of us, Lana placed her hands over her mouth as she yelled in surprise.


Linda: “Oh, look at that.
Ummm, Mr.
Knight who was our guide in Northerntier said that we’ll be greeted by Knights on this side, but……..Mr.
Henry, when did you become a Knight of Alvenia?”


Though they were still shocked, Ms.
Linda immediately smiled and responded with a light joke.


And seeing as how surprised they were, Ms.
Beatriz stepped forward with a mischievous smile still across her face.


Beatriz: “Haha, I have offered him a position in our order, but we haven’t been able to get him to say yes just yet.
I apologize for the delay in introductions.
I am the Knight in charge of greeting you.
My name is Beatriz Hyvent.”


Linda: “Oh, thank you for coming.
My name is Linda, and this is Lana.


Linda responded to Ms.
Beatriz’ greeting, but immediately furrowed her brow in thought.


As she thought hard, she quietly and carefully opened her mouth to speak.


Linda: “……..Ms.
Beatriz, did you perhaps……visit our diner at the end of last year?”

Beatriz: “Haha, I am grateful that you remember.
Yes, I accompanied our dear Princess and enjoyed a meal at your establishment.”


And Ms.
Beatriz answered Ms.
Linda as if it was nothing.

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…….then again, it’s kind of hard to forget.
Both Lady Aileen and Ms.
Beatriz are beauties, and it was apparent to everyone around that they were either Nobles or Knights.
And they stood out quite a bit.


Beatriz: “Hi Miss Lana.
Do you remember me as well?” Lana: “Yes, hello Ms.
I believe you had our stew, bread, and 3 drinks of wine.
You were enjoying it so much, I couldn’t have forgotten.”


And as they made introductions, Lana quickly spouted out Ms.
Beatriz’s order.


Beatriz: “Wow, I’m amazed that you remember that much.”


Lana: “Hehehe……I’m pretty confident in my memory.
For any customers I handle the order, I remember all their faces and the order.”


Lana seemed embarrassed and confident at the same time…….but what?


All of it? I’m sure she’s exaggerating right? She can’t possibly remember allーー


Beatriz: “Oh, you really do remember everyone?”


Lana: “Yes, for instance, your companion, the Princess, was a very healthy lady.
She had a mix sandwich, the same stew as you, Ms.
Beatriz, roasted chicken, salad, and……”


Beatriz: “Got it, got it.
That’s enough.”


Lana began counting all the Princess’ orders on her fingers, and Ms.
Beatriz coughed once before speaking again.


Beatriz: “WーWell, so that’s how it is.
Having met you once before, I volunteered to greet you both today, and since Henry and his Party were at the Capital during your award ceremony, I decided to invite them.
………I thought you would be pretty nervous over this whole affair, am I right?”


Hearing Ms.
Beatriz’ words, Lana and Ms.
Linda looked at one another and let out a small sigh of relief as they smiled.


Linda: “Yes.
Thank you very much, Ms.
Thanks to you, this has become much easier.
I know I came here as Lana’s guardian, but no matter what, the Palace is a little nerve wrecking for us common folks.”


Lana: “….I felt the same way.”


Beatriz: “Haha, I’m glad that it helped you relax a little.
And besides, it was the Palace who invited you here.
There’s no need for you to feel nervous.”


And Ms.
Linda continued her conversation with Ms.


On the other hand, Lana seemed to be fidgeting in place.
She kept glancing not towards Ms.
Beatriz, but another direction…….well, frankly, she was looking towards Teo.


Noticing her gazes, Ms.
Beatriz chuckled quietly, and gestured with her hand to Lana to go ahead.


Lana: “…! Yes, thank you!”


And Lana trotted quickly to where Teo was standing.


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Teo also waved to welcome her friend as she came running over to her.


Lana: “Teo! It’s been so long! Are you doing okay?!”


Teo: “Yeah, I’m fine.
Any changes with you, Lana?”

Lana: “Not at all……………well, I guess I can’t say that.
A month ago, one of my research came together nicely, but before I knew it, one thing happened after another, and it came down to this.”


Though the two of them are quite mature, they are still girls who haven’t reached adulthood.
Being apart from your closest friend for 3 months, they had a lot of catching up to do.


Cyril, Jend, Ferris, and I stepped just a little further away to give them space.


Jend: “……but if you think about it, it’s only been a month since her research was completed.
This is incredibly fast to receive an award for it already.”


Cyril: “Is that right, Jend?” Jend: “Of course it is.
Normally, no matter what you invent or discover, until it’s thoroughly tested to be useful, that takes an immense amount of time.”


…………now that he mentioned it, that’s true.


Beatriz: “Oh, that’s right.
I haven’t told you that part yet.”


And finishing her introductions with Ms.
Linda, Ms.
Beatriz came over, and hearing Jend’s question, placed a fist in her palm in realization.


Beatriz: “As for that, the Hero of Legend, Riol, was very passionate about spreading the results of this research.
So they incorporated Lady Lana’s discovery into the Magecraft Barrier in Ligaleo that was absolutely useless up until now.
……..so this was not only theoretically proven, but she had already completed the Spell Inscription for utilizing her theory.
It was an experimental phase, so nothing has been officially published yet.”


Henry: “………..and how did it go?” They were talking about my old home.
And I couldn’t hold myself back as I asked Ms.
Beatriz to explain further.


Beatriz: “Of course, they will have to continue observing going forward.
There may be side-effects, problems with maintenance, and they have already identified points where the Spell Inscription can be optimized further.
Even thenーー”


The number of Demonic Creatures that crossed Ligaleo’s Magecraft Barrier ーー was cut at least in half.


That was what Ms.
Beatriz said.


Henry: “…………….”


I recall how Ligaleo had two sets of walls to protect the city.


The Demonic Creatures would breach the walls at least 4 times a week, and the Adventurers, Soldiers, and Knights all came together as a living barrier, and fought tooth and nail to push back the Demonic Creatures from reaching the inner wall ーー the memories of those days and nights came flooding back to me.


I thought……….maybe……….just maybe……..but…..


I held a tight fist to my chest.


It’ll just be confusing and troubling if I say it right now butーー


………at that instant, I offered Lana my full gratitude and thanks.

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