en Laeva returned from her herb gathering, together we began to renovate the cabin rather than reinforcing it.
An extra cabin where Akane-san and Lulu-chan could stay was added to the small cabin where our party would stay.

「Takumi-sama, this is already a reconstruction.」
「Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too.」

The cabin had a lot of ground, so we ended up getting carried away.
The original model of the cabin is gone.

「How about having some lunch after we finish up the interior?」

That day in Bohd village, where time flowed slowly, passed even slower.
Because of the banquet yesterday, the hungover men got out of bed in the afternoon and finished the minimum amount of work required before returning home to sleep again.

Although Bohd had considerable development, the village still had no bar.
They were keenly aware of how much alcohol was stocked in the small stores and in the village.
That’s why, with us bringing in large amounts of ale and wine to yesterday’s banquet, they couldn’t control themselves.

「「We’re back!」」

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「「We have returned.」」

Maria, Marnie, Akane-san, and Lulu-chan came back from their hunt.

「Caught some prey?」
「Yes, it’s all Horned Rabbits though.」

Maria took out Horned Rabbits one after the other from her Magic Bag.

「Ooh, that’s a lot.
Let’s all dismantle them.」

We divided the Horned Rabbits to ten per person and began preparing dinner.

「U-umm, would it be alright if you could teach me how to cook as well?」
「Yes, of course.
Then how about we make Horned Rabbit stew together?」
「I’ll make the salad then.」
「I will be making grilled horned rabbit skewers, so may I ask you to take out some soy sauce please,MasterHusband?」
「Will soy sauce, sugar, and mirin be okay?」

It seems Marnie will be skewering the horned rabbits and then grilling them.
The meat of a horned rabbit has a similar texture to chicken so it would go well.

When dinner was complete, Kaede finally came back.

「Master! So pooooped~!」

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She plopped on my back and embraced me.

「Good job.
Martha-san and the village wives demanded threads from you.
「Uh huh~ “We don’t know when you’ll be back again” they said, and stuck to Kaede really stubbornly.」
「What is Kaede-chan’s “thread”?」

While I was gently stroking Kaede’s head, Akane-san’s curiosity had been piqued by the thread.

「Spider Silk is the highest class fiber in this world.
In particular, Kaede can produce threads varying in properties like strength, thickness, and elasticity, and she also weaves stretchable cloth so it’s in great demand here and there.」
「Does that mean all of Iruma-san and everyone’s clothes areー」
「Yup, it’s all Kaede’s spider silk.」

Akane-san’s eyes sparkled.
I learned from our conversation that the clothes we were wearing, from the materials to the design, had caught her eye ever since we were in Volton.

「All of our underwear are like that too.」
「!! M, me too, may I have some too?!」

Akane-san took Maria’s hand when she mentioned underwear, appealing that she wanted them for herself too.
The underwear Akane-san was wearing in Japan had already disintegrated, and she despaired at the underwear sold in this world.
After that, when she learned that the girls’ underwear were just like those sold in Japan and that they weren’t inferior, it seemed like a force made her prostate herself to Kaede and Maria.
Far from inferior, they were applied with various enchantments, so they were far more efficient than the underwear in Japan.
In the end, Akane-san and Lulu-chan’s underwear would be made starting tomorrow while they discuss designs and color.

At dinner, Vanga-san’s family came and everyone enjoyed dinner together.
The second night at Bohd Village went far into the night.

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