“In that case, they’ll know that it’s Seventh Bro.
By the way, will doing this change your odds?” Ku Wei asked.

Lu Yin said, “It doesn’t matter since the bets are based off of the odds when we placed the bets.”

Ku Wei nodded and quickly left.

If the bookie discovered that the bets were placed by Leon’s Armada, then they would absolutely think of Lu Yin.
However, even if they realized what the situation was, it did not matter; the bets had already been placed and could no longer be changed.

All Lu Yin had to do at this time was keep an eye on the bookie and prepare for ZENITH.

Half a month passed, after which a large, radiant-grade Aurora set off from the Blaze Realm, headed towards Chaos Flowzone.

Lu Yin, Ku Wei, Zhuo Daynight, Zhanlong Daynight, and Cool Sis were all aboard the vessel, as they were all participating in ZENITH.

Cool Sis had already become the captain of the Great Yu Empire’s Fifth Imperial Squadron.
She had been ranked tenth on the Top 100 Rankings, but with nowhere to go, she had followed Lu Yin back to the Great Yu Empire.

Ku Wei did not even need to be mentioned.

Zhuo and Zhanlong Daynight both intended to participate in ZENITH as well.

Lu Yin had finally met Zhuo Daynight for the first time after they had parted ways back in Daynight Flowzone.

The two had a very complicated relationship.
Calling them friends did not seem to be quite appropriate as they had both risked their lives for each other, bgut calling them lovers was also wrong as those emotions did not exist between the two.

Even Ling Gong could be thought of as being closer to Lu Yin’s lover than Zhuo Daynight.

Lu Yin himself did not know exactly what his relationship with Zhuo Daynight was, but when he looked at her, the woman’s face remained indifferent.

Looking out at the stars shooting by, Lu Yin remembered the markings that he had seen on the Champions’ Stage.
There had been images of both astral beasts and people.
If that Champions’ Stage was the same as his second innate gift that had the same name, then those images should be the champions who had been anointed to that stage.

Despite studying the Champions’ Stage for half a month, Lu Yin was still unable to summon any of the champions.
It had been useless even when he had tried to use his own blood.

Could an innate gift last forever? Perhaps the owner was not actually dead.

Lu Yin’s thoughts on the matter were complicated.
The Champions’ Stage had to be connected to him.
If it was actually someone else’s innate gift, then that person was almost definitely related to Lu Yin by blood.
However, he had no idea who that person might be.

“Seventh Bro, have you heard of this? In the western region of Chaos Flowzone, the place that used to be called the Floating Realm has been renamed as the Upper Realm.
The people living there are all from the Sixth Mainland, and now, the entire Innerverse and Outerverse know about it,” Ku Wei walked over and spoke in a low tone like a thief.

Lu Yin had actually not known anything about this matter.
“How did the people of the Innerverse and Outerverse react to this?”

“It’s messed up.
Although the Upper Realm has been sealed off by the Hall of Honor, many people from the Innerverse have still gathered nearby.
I’ve also heard that several very fierce fights have broken out,” Ku Wei said.

Lu Yin did not respond, and he just quietly considered the situation.
The Sixth Mainland would gradually move into the Fifth Mainland, and no one could change that fact.
Their future lay in the Outerverse, and the Outerverse was his territory.
Sooner or later, he would clash with the Sixth Mainland, and it was possible that things would erupt right after ZENITH ended.

Lu Yin did not know how many powerhouses the Sixth Mainland had, but any random Imprinter would be powerful enough to deal with Lu Yin.
No matter who was supporting Lu Yin, they could not match up to the entire Sixth Mainland.
Yuan Shi had been the guardian of the Outerverse for his lifetime, but even he was left powerless in this situation.

The Sixth Mainland was not the various Innerverse powers who had masterminded the Purge.
Any thoughts of resisting the Sixth Mainland was nothing more than a dream.
Lu Yin’s only way out of the matter was to gradually move the entire Great Eastern Alliance into the Innerverse.

This was also one of the reasons why Lu Yin had been so eager to occupy the Blaze Realm.
Frostwave Weave had to have an escape route.

Still, if there was an option, Lu Yin would prefer not to leave the Outerverse.

Also, if a place could be found for the Sixth Mainland to settle, then they might not take over the Outerverse.

Lu Yin thought about it and opened a star chart, only to quickly shake his head.
It was easier said than done to find another place for the Sixth Mainland to settle.

His eyes were then drawn to the Technocracy on the star chart.
He remembered the moment when he had rolled a six on his die and Possessed that mechanical ant.
Even thinking back to that time gave Lu Yin chills; where were those mechanical ants? Who had created them?

Humans were always fearful of the unknown, but Lu Yin hoped to have the Sixth Mainland explore the unknown regions of the Technocracy.
It would definitely be better if those mechanical ants could be forced out.

After thinking about this, Lu Yin sent a message to Wang Wen, roughly sharing his thoughts.
He hoped that Wang Wen could come up with some way to redirect the Sixth Mainland into the Technocracy.
Not only would this challenge the Technocracy, but it would also save the Outerverse.

ZENITH would start in two more months, and Lu Yin and his party would reach Chaos Flowzone in half a month at most.

At this time, a series of videos appeared on the network that drew the attention of countless people.
These videos featured the highlights of battles of the various talented youths participating in ZENITH, and CyNet was behind the appearance of these videos.

CyNet controlled the entire Fifth Mainland’s network, and they had access to everything that had ever been recorded.

Appearing alongside these videos was the most publicly accepted list of the predicted ten finalists, and the list was accompanied by a collection of videos featuring each of the ten favored youths.

“This is so unreasonable! I’m furious at myself!” Ku Wei shouted loudly, his voice spreading throughout the entire spacecraft.

Zhanlong Daynight and others all looked over at him.

Ku Wei brought up a screen and shared it with Lu Yin.
“Seventh Bro, these people are so tricky! They actually ranked you thirteenth! They aren’t showing you any respect at all!”

Lu Yin glanced at the screen, and Zhuo Daynight and others all looked at it as well.

The list predicting the ten finalists was not a list of just ten people, but rather of fifteen youths.

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