red color.

Just how many more power vessels did Long Qi own?

First, he had used a sourcebox array that had eliminated all of the nearby corpse kings in a single move.
Then, there was the defensive armor he was wearing as clothes, plus the knife that he continued to wield.
Finally, he had just used a burst of overwhelmingly powerful flames.
On top of all that wealth, the youth had also comprehended secret techniques.
It was such a shame that such a talented youth was doomed to die in the New World with all of them.

Once this child matured and grew, in the future, it seemed practically guaranteed that he would reach the level of a Semi-Progenitor at the very least.
Truly, what a pity.

The flames enveloped the fat corpse king, but then they also spread to the surroundings.

Everyone in the underground area looked on in horror; were those flames going to reach them too? Even that terrifying corpse king had been consumed by the flames, so there was clearly no possibility of any of them surviving if they were caught by those flames.

Lu Yin pulled out his Skyblaze Stone and absorbed the remnant flames before they spread any further.

Almost instantly, all the remaining Karmic Flames were sucked into the Skyblaze Stone, which let the other humans heave sighs of relief.
Their backs were drenched with sweat from both the fear and the heat.

That was two.
Lu Yin had single-handedly eliminated two corpse kings that had the strength of an Envoy now.
This was even more impressive when one considered the fact that neither of the two corpse kings had been an easy opponent.

Lu Yin tried to catch his breath.
While the second corpse king had relatively easier to deal with compared to the first, neither had been weak.
Rather, Lu Yin had simply found the proper counter to the second corpse king.

A dead end was not always hopeless, and once a solution was discovered, it could open the possibility of walking away.

“Brother Long Qi, it’s my turn,” Che Zhan said.

Lu Yin turned around with a smile that was rather infectious.
“Just wait a bit more—I can keep going.
Did you already forget what I just said?”

Che Zhan stared at the child with eyes filled with deep admiration.
“Alright, I’ll wait.”

Everyone in the underground space stared at Lu Yin with growing respect, and there were quite a few whose expressions were filled with actual worship.
If they survived this ordeal, then all of them would swear to repay the youth for the unbelievable assistance that he had given them.

The endless horde of corpse kings standing outside the crevice did not move.
It seemed that they were all waiting for something.

Only a limited number of corpse kings with the strength of an Envoy could be deployed, so the monsters needed to wait before sending out another powerhouse to fight.

One day later, another corpse king stepped forward.
Yet again, it had the strength of an Envoy.
This one did not seem to be as powerful as the earlier ones, though it was much, much faster.
It immediately rushed at Lu Yin, and he was repeatedly attacked for half a day without even a single opportunity to fight back.
In particular, with the corpse king’s stellular energy disrupting his star energy, Lu Yin was not able to use his Teleportation Formation or the Ce Secret Art even once.

Lu Yin had fought countless battles throughout his life, and there had been many fights where he had faced overpowering enemies where the situation had seemed completely hopeless.
His current battle felt like that as well.
In this battle, he was left with no choice but to pull out the spear with the sticky green substance that he had taken from Long Tian.
He had tested this weapon out in the Timestop Space, and he had found that the sticky green substance on the spear had an extremely high viscosity.
Lu Yin had no idea how it had been used in the past, but at the moment, it was the perfect weapon for his needs. 

There was a bang, and Lu Yin saw stars after taking yet another kick from the corpse king.
Despite being protected by the Cloudguard Robes, the neverending barrage of attacks sent a constant flow of destructive vibrations into his body that bypassed his armor, and he had reached the point of no longer being able to endure.
Still, every time the corpse king entered the true universe, Lu Yin would follow it even though it moved so quickly that he could not keep track of it.
Everyone behind Lu Yin was feeling the same sense of despair that had descended upon him.

After coughing up a mouthful of blood, the spear appeared in his hand.
He resolutely stabbed it into the ground, and the sticky green substance began to flow down the spear shaft and towards Lu Yin’s feet.
The substance soon covered the area for a hundred meters in all directions even as it continued to spread further out.

There was another bang, this time from the corpse king striking Lu Yin in the stomach.
Lu Yin was still unable to catch so much as a glimpse of the corpse king’s retreating figure as the creature was traveling through the void.
Not once had the corpse king actually set foot on the ground.
Lu Yin took a deep breath and began silently calculating and planning.




Che Zhan gritted his teeth as he stood next to the entrance to the underground space.
He was staring intently in an attempt to also track the corpse king’s movements.
The swordsman’s hair stood on end.
Of the surviving humans, only Long Qi was able to face off against this corpse king, as the youth possessed many defensive power vessels that not even Envoys could break through.
If anyone else was pitted against this corpse king, the battle would have reached a conclusion long ago.

Zhou Tang’s eyes danced about constantly.
It was clear that the powerhouse was able to see where the corpse king moved, but it would be no help for him to say anything to Lu Yin, as the youth’s reflexes would not be able to keep up with his thoughts.

Many other people closed their eyes, as they could not bear to watch the horrible fight.

It was truly difficult to watch Lu Yin’s miserable situation and injured appearance.
He was being beaten one-sidedly, and he was even bleeding from all seven orifices of his head.
But while he looked critically injured, in reality, he had actually not suffered that many injuries.
Even when the destructive vibrations wounded him, his increased vitality due to his opened upper meridian point allowed him to almost instantly recover.
This meant that Lu Yin was suffering more from frustration than physical injuries.




All of a sudden, Lu Yin opened his eyes, and he held the spear in front of him sideways in a defensive stance.
The sticky green substance had already spread throughout the entire area.
There was a bang as the corpse king punched Lu Yin once more, but this time, the creature was not able to flee as quickly as before.
Its fist had gotten stuck in the sticky green substance that covered the entire area.

Humans and other creatures were intelligent, but that intelligence also came with the formation of habits.
This was similarly true for the corpse king that had been attacking Lu Yin this whole time.
It had been striking at Lu Yin for half a day, and it had developed a habitual attack pattern during this process.
Each blow came in somewhat regular intervals, and Lu Yin had managed to calculate the precise timing to launch his counterattack.
This was much like how he had pre-positioned his knife in order to deal with the first corpse king.

Strength alone was not enough to determine victory in a fight; intelligence could also be a gamechanger.

With the sticky green substance binding its fist, the corpse king tried to flee.
However, while its speed had only been somewhat affected, it was nonetheless unable to flee at its normal speed.
More importantly, the sticky green substance now trailed after the corpse king wherever it went, and there was no way for the corpse king to remove it.
This meant that Lu Yin no longer struggled to track the corpse king, as all he needed to do was look for the sticky green substance that was attached to the creature.

Considering the corpse king’s incredible speed, it most likely had relatively poor defenses.

Lu Yin held the spear in his hand and started attacking as he tracked the strange green substance.
He used his domain to predict his opponent’s attacks and managed to stab the spear into the corpse king’s thigh.
The spear trembled, and he punched at the corpse king with a full 350 Stacks, causing the creature to let out a low growl.
His attack had utterly destroyed half of the corpse king’s leg, and Lu Yin took advantage of this opening to slash out sideways with his knife.

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