n’t have any pupils or eyeballs; they were just two triangles with rounded corners.

Furthermore, it didn’t have a mouth; where its mouth should have been was just a decorative line.

Overall, this golden dog head looked… like a cartoon.

At Selina’s praise, this round, golden liquid dog head looked unexpectedly happy and wriggled in excitement, just like Dollar when the dog was praised.

Luke and Selina looked at each other in bewilderment.
What was this? A golden liquid dog? Or just a silly dog head with a big forehead?

Luke, whose nerves were less fragile, coughed and asked, “Who are you? Or rather, what are

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A voice that was very similar to Selina’s but deeper and huskier rang out.
“No comment.” The dog head turned away haughtily and wouldn’t even look at Luke.
Looking at this arrogant dog head for a moment, Luke suddenly patted Selina and said, “You ask.”

Selina: “Huh? Ask what?”

Luke said, “The question I just asked.”

Selina immediately repeated the question.

Conflicted, the dog head turned back around and looked aggrievedly at Dollar below it.
“I am Devourer…”

It paused for a moment, then shook its head very unwillingly.
Devourer isn’t my name.
I am Voracious, a creature from a distant planet.”

Selina’s eyes widened.
“An alien?”

Voracious shook its dog head.
“By your understanding, I can only be considered an extraterrestrial life form at most.
After all, I don’t look like a person.”

Looking at the golden dog head, Luke and Selina subconsciously nodded in agreement.

Selina turned her head, and Luke said, “Ask why it’s hiding inside Dollar, and why you and Dollar are eating so much.”

Selina immediately repeated the questions.

Luke stared at Voracious, who seemed very reluctant but had immediately started to reply, “I escaped from a spaceship into a fish.
I then ran into Dollar.
We’re very compatible, which is why I chose it.” After a pause, Voracious continued, “It’s eating a lot because I’m helping it to digest its food and strengthen its body.”

Luke furrowed his brow.

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He didn’t believe that such a good thing didn’t have a catch.
“Do the creatures that you parasitize sustain any harm?”

Selina didn’t need to repeat the question before Voracious spoke again.
“Hey! I’m not a parasite! Apologize!” Luke shrugged.
“But what you’re doing is a lot like the parasites on our planet.”

Voracious: “Apologize!”

Luke said, “Why don’t you just think of it as a nickname?”

“Apologize!” The big dog head glared at him fiercely.

Luke: “…Fine.
I apologize.
What are you, if you’re not a parasite?”

Voracity said, “By your understanding, I’m a symbiote.” Luke asked, “Is there a difference?”

Voracious said, “I can make my symbiotic host stronger, and max out their stamina and vitality.
Can a parasite do that?”

Luke nodded, deep in thought.
“Then why are Dollar and Selina both so hungry? Don’t tell me you can have multiple symbiotic hosts at the same time?”

Voracious nodded proudly.
“I’m not like the rest of my kind.
They’re very picky about their energy requirements, and if they have nothing else to eat, they’ll swallow their symbiotic hosts.
I’m the only one who has a good appetite; I can absorb all kinds of nutrition from my symbiotic hosts to ensure my survival and boost their strength at the same time.”

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