
It was a beautiful scene that wrapped up the whole novel.

Of course, Marquis Garcian didn’t accept this. 

He looked at the women and asked. 

“Are you saying that you believe Lord Kardien’s curse has been lifted after reading that novel?” 


The noble women did not answer.
But the look in their eyes spoke. 

‘What? You got a problem with that?’

Marquis Garcian looked at the women with exasperation, and said.

“Wake up! This is reality.
There is no such thing as a purified devil.
Kardien is still a vicious devil, and he must be thinking about how to eat us all right at this moment.” 

But his words did not ruffle any of the women’s hearts.
On the contrary, the women’s eyes were displeased. 

Countess Rio, who was closest to the marquis, frowned and said. 

“How mean of you, Marquis.
I can’t believe you won’t accept the man who’s returned with the sincere prayers of his beloved.” 

“I’m saying that everything’s a lie…” 

But he couldn’t say anything more. 

For Estelle, who was listening in quietly, took a step forward. 

Estelle didn’t say anything.
She just smiled at Marquis Garcian. 

With lowered eyebrows, as if she was going to hit him with the harsh truth.


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Marquis Garcian opened his eyes wide.

The saint was on the other side with the devil. 

She took Lucian’s side, as if to prove that he was not a devil. 

“Damn it.” 

Marquis Garcian was not a fool.

Neither the emperor nor the saint nor the women were on his side. 

Not everyone in the banquet hall welcomed Lucian, but the circumstances right now were in his favor.

If he continued to talk here, it would only lead to a sluggish fight.

At last, Marquis Garcian lowered his tail, shaking his clenched hands. 

“Once a devil, always a devil.
He will never change! You’ll see.
I’ll make sure to take off that mask of his!” 

Spitting out a typical villain’s line, he turned and disappeared.
No, he ran away. 

With his wife, Erica. 

When he left, the women looked relieved. 

“He’s gone at last.” 

“I admit his ambitious personality has gotten worse ever since he became the head of his family at a young age, but that was crossing the line.” 

He was very rude to Lord Kardien.” 

The women nodded and looked at Lucian. 

Lucian didn’t say a word in the midst of the whole ordeal.

He did not express any displeasure. 

He just stood still like a tree.

Seeing the beautiful man standing there, unresponsive, made their hearts ache. 

The women said, with a slightly flushed face. 

“I’m sure there’ll be more people who’ll pick a fight with you like Marquis Garcian.” 


“I can’t let Lord Kardien, who is the fiance of Lady Pernia and the hero of the Empire, hear such things again.
We will protect Lord Kardien.” 


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The women nodded with firm eyes. 

At this moment, the unexpected Lucian Defense Force was formed. 

He smiled at the sight, and Lucian whispered in my ear. 

“Can I kill him?”

…you can’t. 

* * * 

Since then, the banquet hall has been peaceful. 

People gathered around me and Lucian.
I laughed and talked to them. 

By the end of the banquet, people’s cautiousness around Lucian had disappeared.

And so did Lucian, who sat still beside me like a gentle rabbit throughout the banquet. 

Of course, it was just for show. 

Lucian plucked out the tongue of those who spoke to me and the eyes of those who looked at me in his head. 

But no one noticed. 

Because he was too shiny. 

His overwhelming beauty clouded human judgment. 

Of course, there were times when Lucian’s feelings that he couldn’t hide flowed out. 

“Lady Pernia.
It seems I haven’t gotten a chance to greet you yet.
I am Marquis Aizen’s…”

He simply came by to say hello, but he couldn’t even say his full name and turned around and ran away. 

Obviously, it was because he felt an ominous presence threatening his life. 

But most did not notice the eerie energy coming from Lucian. 

For Lucian looked so pure that they couldn’t bear to think of the possibility. 

‘Why do I suddenly feel so cold? Have I become weak?’ 

They would think something along those lines to themselves.

Of course, not everyone was taken aback by Lucian’s beauty. 

Carlix, standing in front of Lucian, said with an arrogant face. 

“You’re sitting quietly, hiding your evil claws.”

I got a huge donation so chapters will be coming hot for the next few days! Thank you to Ninjapoof once again!

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