his eyelashes fluttered a little, J5, V7 were constantly saying that Q King was shameless,… he was certainly shameless!  

Ye Jian, who was leaning against the window, also felt ridiculous; he was really good at finding excuses!    

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At five in the morning, Ye Jian was about to switch with Xia Jinyuan, and she was going to drive the car towards Huzhou airport’s earliest flight towards Yuyang, Guilin.    

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Their flight was already booked, and at 7:15 a.m., the party of four boarded  the flight in time.    

A message came from Pigeon; the Director would also be boarding a flight towards Guilin.
After a night of interrogation, they managed to pry out a huge amount of leads from Charlie’s mouth, and the crimes that have yet to be uncovered, the Director was furious!    

“Pigeon’s skills at interrogation improved again.” Deleting the news after seeing it, Xia Jinyuan turned and smiled at Crane: “He even said the guy was terrified.
Before he even brandished his skills, the guy had told him everything.”    

Crane thought about Pigeon’s interrogation techniques, he beamed, “Each industry has their specializations; after all, he does have a Doctorate in Psychology.”    

The Elite Platoon was filled with talent; any one of them would overtake the average person by leagues, as every one of them had many titles to their names.    

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Seated in the middle, Ye Jian’s delicate face wore a tranquil smile as she silently watched the two converse quietly.
All of her comrades were so impressive, so how could she be left behind?   

Mingling with the strong,  you would try to pursue after their path with all your heart, to learn from them, to encourage yourself with this way, to allow yourself to grow constantly, to newer heights, that was the principle behind ‘one takes the behavior of one’s company.’    

The plane landed at 10:30 a.m.
when Ye Jian boarded a worn down minibus heading towards a small mountain village in the deep mountains; it was already one in the afternoon.  

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The vehicle was seriously overcapacity, seated at the back-most row, Ye Jian pushed open the window and allowed the fresh air from outside to scatter the dull atmosphere inside the vehicle, her gaze would occasionally land on the woman in front of her for a moment, then she’ll avert a gaze.    

This was the target she needed to keep an eye on.

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