o the front in an instant, and he couldn’t help but find it funny, “You’re definitely wishing to go shooting, you have not even seen a gun before, don’t end up not having any strength to pull the trigger.”


He did not even look at Ye Ying’s darkened expression as he muttered to himself; he then kept quiet after finishing talking.


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It caused Ye Ying, who was holding it in her heart to bear with it; it was impossible for her to tell the class to monitor that the assistant monitor likes the instructor and words like that!


Although Lu Xin was a boy, he had traveled for a dozen kilometers; he had crawled and run, he was also exhausted since he was still a student.
After supporting Ye Ying for a few hundred meters, he smiled and said: “I say, Ye Ying, you should not take part in such strenuous physical activity in the future.”


”You said you did not wish to drag down the whole class, but you can imagine it, the class has to send out a student to support you every few hundred meters to a kilometer, it’s already dragging down the class.”

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”Yesterday, didn’t you say that Ye Jian joining last minute would affect the class military training score? You are actually the same today, you are actually not involved, but you wanted to join in, not only exhausting yourself, you even cause our class to be really exhausted.”

”Even if you want to challenge yourself, you should consider your physical condition.
Heart disease is a wealthy disease; you can only rest quietly, how could you endure dozens of kilometers.
Why is your expression so ugly? Do you want to rest?”

Lu Xin smiled as he spoke, he saw her complexion was a little ugly, he stopped his steps and wanted to support her to sit by the side of the road.


Ye Ying, who was not ill, became furious as she gritted her teeth, she revealed a bitter smile, “Sorry, class monitor, I never expected that I would be so useless, I can’t even walk for a dozen kilometers.
What you said is correct, we must try our best in whatever we do, I’ve really made you all suffer this time.”

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