
Perhaps he was not asking for an answer, he immediately turned his head.


Dalia felt like her cheeks were getting hot, so she cooled them with the back of her hands.

Cedric followed the Emperor immediately.

When things seemed to be resolved, Aceras stopped what he was doing right away and approached the Emperor and Cedric.

Adrisha didn’t come to stay at the ball for the rest of the day.

Then the Emperor turned back to the entrance.

“Take care, Hikan.
I’ll see you next time.”

“Have a safe trip, Your Majesty.
And Your Highness the Prince.”

Hikan called the servant to guide them.


* * *


After the storm passed, people returned to the ball.
Hikan also seemed a little tired, but he recovered quickly.
However, I’m not in the mood to dance.

“Next is the dance.”

Dalia nodded.

At that time, Adrisha came.
She lifted the hem of her dress and greeted me according to the etiquette.

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“Nice to meet you, Miss Dalia.
I will be Miss Dalia’s maid of honor.
I look forward to work with you.” (*t/n: previously I used ‘lady-in-waiting’, but then I think maid of honor is more suitable)

The thing that Dalia was so worried about finally happened.

The meeting between Hikan and Adrisha.

In the original, Hikan played the role as the final villain, showing the best obsession to beat the male leads.

Now that they’ve already met, it feels like Dalia’s death flag has been moved up a notch, let alone dancing with Hikan.…..

‘Ah, just like this, in the end……’

Dalia looked up at Hikan anxiously.

Trying to see if Hikan feels a maniacal obsession with Adrisha from the first meeting, or maybe he can’t get his eyes off her.

Hikan also looked at Dalia as he felt her gaze.

He didn’t give Adrisha a glance, he only looked at Dalia.
Then she frowned her eyebrows a little.

“……You don’t like it?”

It was aimed towards Adrisha.


Dalia thought she heard it wrong.

Isn’t it too cold to talk about the original heroine who he was so obsessed with like that?

Dalia’s expression changed subtly.
Dalia shook her head hurriedly.

“Tha, that’s not true!”

“Alright, then that’s okay.”

Hikan went elsewhere without even looking at Adrisha until the end.

Dalia was awkwardly left alone with Adrisha.

‘No matter how much the situation has changed……but to be this uninterested?’

In the original, the opportunity varies depending on the route, but as soon as he sees Adrisha, Hikan is strongly drawn to her even though he knows that she is someone that he should not be attracted to.

But now Hikan wasn’t like that at all.

No matter how well your mind is before the mana blooms, how can you not be interested in the person who you’d be so happy to die for?

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‘Let, let’s wait and see for now.’

If Hikan remains not obsessed with Adrisha in the future, one of the biggest conflicts in the original story will disappear altogether.

‘Then my death flag will be resolved.’

Dalia’s eyes glistened at the first sight of hope.

Then Adrisha, still waiting for her reply, entered Dalia’s sight.

She greeted Adrisha in surprise.

“I’m sorry Miss Adrisha.
I was thinking about something else……”

“No, Miss Dalia.
If you don’t like me, I’ll try harder to make you like me.”

Adrisha chuckled quietly.
It was a smile that made the hearts of those who see it feel comfortable.

‘As expected, she’s my favorite!’

At that moment Dalia felt proud.

Her favorite game character was alive and breathing in front of her eyes.
Many of the original scenes flashed across Dalia’s head at the moment.

My heart can’t take it, how is this possible!

Dalia grabbed Adrisha’s hand tightly and shook her head.

I’m really, really glad you came.
Please call me Dalia comfortably.”

Adrisha made a slightly puzzled expression and soon smiled.

“Thank you for saying so, Dalia.
You can talk to me comfortably.”

“Oh, then, I’ll call you Adrisha.”

Thus, Dalia had a reliable maid of honor, the original heroine.

Dalia suddenly remembered the Duchess of Blueport.
She wanted to introduce Adrisha to her.

“If you don’t mind, can you come with me to greet Duchess Blueport?”

Adrisha gently smiled and nodded.

Dalia looked around and found her.
Duchess Blueport was leaning against one wall in the hall.

But it’s strange.

The Duchess was leaning against the wall, staggering unlike before.
No matter how sick and tired she was, she always maintained a noble attitude.

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