467: Day and Night in the Desert

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The sun scorched painfully on a person’s body and left a tingling sensation all over.

Ink and Feng Wu walked slowly in the desert.
It was a huge space and they walked for a long time without finding water or shelter.
Eventually Ink made some shade using his cloak and some framing.

“The sun is too fierce.”

They drank some water as they sat together resting away from the blazing sun.

Ink wiped the sweat from his forehead as he looked at the sun that could dry a person to a husk.
Most of the things they got from the previous area were thick, heavy furs and cloaks, none of which were suitable for such desert heat and would result in heat stroke for anyone desperate enough to wear them.
But not having proper cover meant getting sunburned.
In fact, both Ink and Feng Wu had arms full of blisters from the heat.
How much worse would things get?

“It hurts.” Feng Wu wet a kerchief with some water, then placed it on her face.
The tingling immediately faded with the cool contact.

“We have to find something to cover our bodies.
If we keep going like this, it’s only going to get worse.” Ink sighed in resignation.

Sunburn like this wouldn’t have bothered them normally, but now that they were ordinary people, it was incapacitating.
Such a bright sun in their faces was incredibly uncomfortable.

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“The clothes we have are too thick.”

They didn’t have anything suitable to wear as all their clothes were geared for cold weather.

“It’s OK.
One of the chests I opened had two cotton filled coats.
If we take out the cotton batting, we can use them like summer jackets.” They just needed something to block out the sun; it didn’t matter if it wasn’t pretty.

They immediately got to dismantling the heavy coats, peeling away all the heavy cotton batting and only leaving the outer shell fabric.
Though it was still thicker than a summer coat, it was an improvement.

They covered their bodies from head to toe with clothes and dressed their burns with ointment.

Ink had been very lucky.
Every chest he found had been filled with clothes, shoes, hats, medicine – all useful things.
He had opened many chests and never encountered a single trap.
Even Feng Wu wasn’t as lucky.

They were much more comfortable now that they were covered and protected from the sun.
Sister Alpaca didn’t have any issues.
She was a monster with thick flesh and skin.

It was hot, but Ink still recommended rationing their water.
The desert was vast, and they didn’t know when they would come upon a water source to refill their water.
He was afraid they’d die of dehydration if they didn’t start rationing.

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Jier would definitely laugh to death at him.
And that. . .  was definitely not something Ink was willing to take.

Ink planned a strict water consumption plan for them so they wouldn’t die of thirst.

The temperature reached between 102-122°F (30-40°C) in the day, but once night fell, the temperature dropped to 14°F (10°C).
Fortunately they had kept their winter clothes, so they came in handy.

The temperature dip wasn’t the only danger at night; there was also danger from nocturnal beasts that came out once the sun set.

The contestants could hear the sounds of magical beasts running rampant across the desert.
It made their heads numb and their hearts tremble.
They were just ordinary people; how were they going to survive a night with beasts roaming wild?!

The participants secretly cursed out the instructors in their hearts.
Why make things so difficult?!

Those planning to rush at night and rest during the day, had to rethink their plan.
They would have to be foolish to try to rush out with so many wild beasts about.

Feng Wu and Ink didn’t dare take out their tents, and instead rested in between a pile of rocks.
They wrapped up in fur cloaks to stay warm and took turns being on look out.

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They heard many wolves howling, but managed to pass through their first night without incident.

In the morning, Ink and Feng Wu switched to their lighter clothes and went on their way.
The temperature was once again high enough to roast.

It didn’t matter if it was roasted fish or dried food, on such a hot day, nothing had any taste.
But not eating would mean not having energy to leave the desert.

Feng Wu and Ink ate a few random things, then after a short nap, they began moving again.

It was too dangerous at night, so they had to hurry on in the day even if the sun was bright and made things unbearably hot.

Feng Wu and Ink saw another group of people two hours later.
It was a team of five that obviously knew each other, otherwise they wouldn’t have formed an alliance in an individual competition.

The five people looked wretched with their heavy winter clothes.
Even though they were sweating profusely from the heat, they didn’t want to take their winter clothes off and bare their flesh to the sun.
They were surprised for a moment when they saw Feng Wu and Ink.

One of the two girls in the group was very interested in Feng Wu’s Alpaca.
Her eyes had not strayed from the alpaca since they met.

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They bumped into each other walking the same path, but neither party wanted to start anything, so they kept to themselves.

Feng Wu and Ink weren’t going to start trouble; they were more interested in hurrying out of the desert.

Both teams rushed forward silently not communicating with each other at all, that was until the one girl eyeing the alpaca pulled the tall guy in her group aside and whispered something in his ear.

The guy looked thoughtful for a moment before approaching Ink and Feng Wu.

“I want to borrow your mount; can you lend it to us? My sister can’t walk anymore and really needs to rest.
I’ll return it right after.”

The guy looked serious and quite imposing.
It was obvious from a glance he was some kind of big shot at school.

“If your sister is tired, she should find a place to rest.
We won’t lend our alpaca out.”

Ink knew how much Feng Wu loved her new alpaca friend, so naturally he refused.

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