t tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you! I’m curious if you’ll let me handle the harvesting.
My employer, Ojo-sama, loves the mulberries around here.”

She looks at her father, who nods and says, “It can’t be helped.”

“Yes, it’s fine.”

As a result, the head chef, Senesch, gets to see a plot in the Serio farm’s back yard that even the neighbors have never seen before.

“This is incredible.
Vegetables, nekta, ponkas… they’re all so shiny and unique.
Oh, Hawthorns, too? The soil is also nice.
It’s pitch black, wet, and crawling with earthworms.
How can you make soil like this in the middle of a wasteland?”

As Alesia shows him around, he can’t help but say.
Everything he sees in the fields is of the highest caliber.
But the farm girl only smiles and does not respond.

“Mulberry covers everything from here to there.
If you want, we’ll give you our colander, and you can take as many as you want.
A full colander costs two small silver coins.”

(Only two small silver coins?)

“I think we used to pay four small silver coins for a colander.
Well, it can’t be helped because it’s through a vendor.”

He mumbled as he approached the mulberry tree, surprised once more.
He had assumed that only the best mulberries were chosen and delivered to the fruit shop, but almost all of the fruit was exceptional.

(Does this girl really grow them? They’re all of high quality, aren’t they?)

Senesch gathers the berries and strains them in a colander.
Ripe mulberries are easily crushed, so he is cautious but in a hurry.
He eventually fills the colander to the brim and pays Alesia, who is waiting nearby, out of his pocket.

“Thank you very much—here are some nekta fruits for you, if you like.”

“Oh, this looks delicious.
Thank you very much.
I’m in a hurry, so this will suffice!”

The chef stowed the nekta in his backpack and wrapped the mulberry colander in a cloth before riding away with one hand in the other.


Princess Edna popped a fresh mulberry into her mouth with her delicate fingertips.

“Oh, my gosh! Delicious.
better than usual.
This is something I could eat for the rest of my life!”

“Don’t be silly, Edna.”

“That’s right.
If you continue to eat mulberries, you will despise them.”

Princess Edna frowned as she looked at her two brothers.
They are sipping tea and reading.

“If you say such a thing, Mark-niisama and Moshe-niisama, I won’t let the Onii-samas eat them.
I’m going to eat them all!”

“You must enjoy it a lot.”

The second prince, Moshe, who resembled his brother, ate the mulberry fruit and exclaimed, “Wow.” The first prince, Mark, sees him and asks, “Which one?” and eats a mulberry as well.
Then, with a surprised expression on his face, he ate the sliced nekta from the plate next to it.



It tasted exactly like the nekta I ate at the mysterious farm.

I knew that no matter how many times I ate nekta since then, I was always disappointed.

because they were much more delicious.

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