Villain Cultivator (Web Novel)

Chapter 511: Loser Mentality (Half Edited)

”Hmm? ”

”Dafuq? ”

Devil and Lilith had been exchanging their intel about the outer gods and their secret plan of obliterating their enemies. Suddenly, they stopped talking and opened a portable screen, checking a DaoTube channel.

Then, they saw the new Dao Avatar of Miaomiao and their deeds.

Lilith smirked as she recognized the disguised appearance of Xu Chu. She also noticed that Miaomiao ’s sclera, pupils, and iris were similar to hers.

It wasn ’t hard to guess what they had been doing, especially after she had sensed that someone had just used a taboo method to cultivate her technique.

”They ’re quite bold. Did you tempt him again? ”

Devil brought out a handkerchief and wiped his sweat under the disguise black gas. His voice trembled, ”I… thought that Miaomiao would have cultivated Yama ’s Eyes. Instead, that motherfucker is now cultivating YOUR EYES!! What Dafuq is he doing?! ”

”You should have predicted it. After all, he is your… ”

Lilith giggled and stopped saying anything else. However, Devil understood what she wanted to say.

After all, she knew his greatest secret!

”Don ’t say it out loud. ”

”My bad. Don ’t worry. Your… you-know-who… is doing great! ”

”But I never managed to cultivate that and survived! I always died every time I tried to gain your eyes. ”

”He ’s different. You should know why since you messed with your, I mean, his fate. ”

”… ”

”Anyway, having fun watching my daughter being fucked by you-know-who? I thought you had a crush with Xu Chu. ”

”Shut it. ”

Devil was in a bad mood. He loudly clicked his tongue and vanished, rushing to Samsara ’s Constellation Sector.

A few seconds later, Lilith could faintly sense a muffled noise of a grand battle between Devil and Samsara. They caused several waves of explosions, causing many star systems and inhabitable planets of by standing gods to perish.

’A little help here! ’

Lilith heard the plea of the Devil. She burst into laughter.

”You always mocked Mao Miaomiao for being dumb. Well, you ’re no different since you ’re also… Hehehehe. ”

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