White Online

Chapter 282: Lord Kalzer.

and nodded, ’ ’Yes, I am done playing for today. ’ ’

’ ’Good… ’ ’ Madison moved strands of her hair over the ear and said, ’ ’What an update. ’ ’

Isaac scratched his hair and touched the bed frame, ’ ’Indeed. ’ ’

He still felt slightly awkward around his grandparents, but he was getting better at showing his emotions toward someone he wasn ’t familiar with.

Madison smiled and remembered something that she felt should be mentioned, ’ ’Right… Umm, Malcolm will return soon, so I will start making dinner. It should be ready in about… ’ ’

She didn ’t have her wristwatch and had to look at the clock on the wall.

’ ’At around 8 P.M. ’ ’

’ ’Alright. ’ ’ Isaac saw that he had approximately an hour to wait.

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