Galactic Saga

Galactic Saga

Galactic Saga

10 Chapters Ongoing Status
Last Update November 14, 2022

Galactic Saga is The AggGkatsoscreation,The novel is mainly aboutBlinding light; his hand reflectively moved forward to cover it. He looked around at the translucent sight of the very bright environment of death. He was still leaning on the pillar sitting down. He breathed in, the air felt sore across his throat as it was reaching his lungs. To his pleasant surprise he only felt some mild pains contrast to before, where each successful breath was a huge feat.He got up with barely any strain, by this point he started wondering if all that he experienced was a dream; his injuries, his squadron dying and finally the spectral.He took another big breath and dared to look at his left arm. He almost fell over again by the sight; his arm was there, in a bad state but nonetheless it was there. Part of his muscles was missing, half of it was scorched and there was pain in even attempting to lift it. He almost sat down again but instead he just chuckled with himself. He brought his attention to the sky through the open cove of the cave. It was morning, the fir Read Novel


Galactic Saga is The AggGkatsoscreation,The novel is mainly aboutBlinding light; his hand reflectively moved forward to cover it. He looked around at the translucent sight of the very bright environment of death. He was still leaning on the pillar sitting down. He breathed in, the air felt sore across his throat as it was reaching his lungs. To his pleasant surprise he only felt some mild pains contrast to before, where each successful breath was a huge feat.He got up with barely any strain, by this point he started wondering if all that he experienced was a dream; his injuries, his squadron dying and finally the spectral.He took another big breath and dared to look at his left arm. He almost fell over again by the sight; his arm was there, in a bad state but nonetheless it was there. Part of his muscles was missing, half of it was scorched and there was pain in even attempting to lift it. He almost sat down again but instead he just chuckled with himself. He brought his attention to the sky through the open cove of the cave. It was morning, the fir Read Novel


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