Soultaker Guardian of Singapore

Soultaker Guardian of Singapore

Soultaker Guardian of Singapore

7 Chapters Ongoing Status
Last Update October 28, 2022

Soultaker Guardian of Singapore is The Max_LKCcreation,The novel is mainly about"You encountered the Soultaker?"Alex nods frantically:" Yes...yes I did."The huge hulking gangster in front of Alex held a phone to his face while Minister Kenneth spoke through from the other end of the phone line. " I don care if the Soultaker gets you Alex. You had a deal with us, if you don finish the job...the Soultaker won be the one that ends you. ""But sir....""No buts. Slice off two fingers right now. Any of your choice."Kenneth hung up.Alex shivered in fear as the gangster in front of him passed him a combat knife. "Do what he says. You have one minute to choose."The teenager grabbed the weapon, his hand shaking uncontrollably as he wrapped his shivering fingers around the hilt, trying to keep himself calm, knowing that he had no choice but to obey the ministers orders."59...58...57..."Two fingers that can be lost without too much consequence...hes a right hander, he needs to still blend in in school so...ring and pinky on the left it is. Alex grit his teeth, positioning t Read Novel


Soultaker Guardian of Singapore is The Max_LKCcreation,The novel is mainly about"You encountered the Soultaker?"Alex nods frantically:" Yes...yes I did."The huge hulking gangster in front of Alex held a phone to his face while Minister Kenneth spoke through from the other end of the phone line. " I don care if the Soultaker gets you Alex. You had a deal with us, if you don finish the job...the Soultaker won be the one that ends you. ""But sir....""No buts. Slice off two fingers right now. Any of your choice."Kenneth hung up.Alex shivered in fear as the gangster in front of him passed him a combat knife. "Do what he says. You have one minute to choose."The teenager grabbed the weapon, his hand shaking uncontrollably as he wrapped his shivering fingers around the hilt, trying to keep himself calm, knowing that he had no choice but to obey the ministers orders."59...58...57..."Two fingers that can be lost without too much consequence...hes a right hander, he needs to still blend in in school so...ring and pinky on the left it is. Alex grit his teeth, positioning t Read Novel


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