The Absurdity That Is Us

The Absurdity That Is Us

The Absurdity That Is Us

5 Chapters Ongoing Status
Last Update August 15, 2022

The Absurdity That Is Us is The Homeless_Travelercreation,The novel is mainly aboutContrary to my expectations, there hasn been any conflict whatsoever after the confrontation with Arok. Besides the circulating rumor, nothing much happened, and I prefer it to stay that way. Though I did make a countermeasure to stop the rumor.On the next Monday, I tried to talk to the person on the side further from Kevin. Much like Kevin, hes a Chinese Indonesian, but unlike Kevin, this guy has a slender body and wears glasses. He totally oozes a nerdy aura."Wassup?" I said to him as casually as possible."Uh, good?" He said as he looked at me in puzzlement."Er, what was your name again? Canda, was it?" I asked while reminding myself in my heart, smile, smile!For a second, I could see his somewhat unpleasant expression. "Its Chandra." He corrected me."Oh, right. Sorry." I said.Just when I was about to take this conversation further, he said, "Im going to the restroom."Dejectedly, I said to him, "Oh, okay."As I see his figure going out of the bathroom, Indah and Sasa passed by him in Read Novel


The Absurdity That Is Us is The Homeless_Travelercreation,The novel is mainly aboutContrary to my expectations, there hasn been any conflict whatsoever after the confrontation with Arok. Besides the circulating rumor, nothing much happened, and I prefer it to stay that way. Though I did make a countermeasure to stop the rumor.On the next Monday, I tried to talk to the person on the side further from Kevin. Much like Kevin, hes a Chinese Indonesian, but unlike Kevin, this guy has a slender body and wears glasses. He totally oozes a nerdy aura."Wassup?" I said to him as casually as possible."Uh, good?" He said as he looked at me in puzzlement."Er, what was your name again? Canda, was it?" I asked while reminding myself in my heart, smile, smile!For a second, I could see his somewhat unpleasant expression. "Its Chandra." He corrected me."Oh, right. Sorry." I said.Just when I was about to take this conversation further, he said, "Im going to the restroom."Dejectedly, I said to him, "Oh, okay."As I see his figure going out of the bathroom, Indah and Sasa passed by him in Read Novel

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