The Traped Bird

The Traped Bird

The Traped Bird

7 Chapters Ongoing Status
Last Update September 7, 2022

The Traped Bird is The DaoistsLWnnQcreation,The novel is mainly aboutI then woke up in the morning and saw that Maria was not here and has allready left for work." Well time to train " I said as I left the room and went to the bathroom.I took a bath by my self and changed changed my clothes to a black jaket with a white t-shirt and a black pants with black shoes.I then went to my room where there was allready food ready on the couch." Lets eat " I said as I started to eat the food on the table.I started to eat and once I was done, I took a book of magic and read it. I learened how to expand my mana count on a small to large amount." Lets try this out " I said as I sat on the balcony on my room.I then started to absorb small amount of magicules and was learning how to purify it." Oh this is easier than I thou.... " I then stoped talking as my body started to melt with browniquid.My body was being purefied and all the dirt on my body was being removed. My body started to fell lighter and lighter. If I continue this all the dirt on my body will be removec Read Novel


The Traped Bird is The DaoistsLWnnQcreation,The novel is mainly aboutI then woke up in the morning and saw that Maria was not here and has allready left for work." Well time to train " I said as I left the room and went to the bathroom.I took a bath by my self and changed changed my clothes to a black jaket with a white t-shirt and a black pants with black shoes.I then went to my room where there was allready food ready on the couch." Lets eat " I said as I started to eat the food on the table.I started to eat and once I was done, I took a book of magic and read it. I learened how to expand my mana count on a small to large amount." Lets try this out " I said as I sat on the balcony on my room.I then started to absorb small amount of magicules and was learning how to purify it." Oh this is easier than I thou.... " I then stoped talking as my body started to melt with browniquid.My body was being purefied and all the dirt on my body was being removed. My body started to fell lighter and lighter. If I continue this all the dirt on my body will be removec Read Novel


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